Chapter 37 | B-man

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Chapter 37 | B-man

Soon, we were off on the highway, speeding down the road in our lamborghini and I laughed, feeling giddy and excited. It was a fun night.

It was never not a fun night.

"Come on puddin'

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"Come on puddin'." I shouted. "Do it!"

The sound of his laughter mixing together with mine were music to my ears as I laughed heartily, feeling free and high.

"Oh..." Puddin' broke the laughter as he turned around, his eyes narrowing at the mirror, before he turned around to give me grin while saying, "We have got company."

Joy and thrill filled my heart as I thought of playing with batsy again. It was always extra-fun when it comes to B-man.

"Batsy, batsy, batsy." I mocked after looking behind to confirm if it was him. Soon, the lamborghini was speeding off the road in intense speed. It felt like a car-race between Joker and Batsy. I laughed at the excitement as I squealed, clutching the seats tightly.

"Buckle up, babe." Joker said, as he pulled down the gear, the car racing the road in high speed. His laughter was gone from his eyes and he gripped the steering wheel tightly, turning it around with such ferocity, as his icy blue eyes narrowed down on the gray road.

I refused to buckle up my seat-belt as I continued laughing with thrill running along my veins. I was having too much fun to think about safety measures.

I looked behind to check for any sign of Batsy and found no huge weird-looking black vehicle and grinned victoriously.

"We have lost him, puddin'." I squealed and Joker grinned before punching the roof of the car victoriously and I chuckled, wanting to get home badly.

Suddenly, the roof of the car caved in with a loud thud above my head. I ducked down in reflex but growled when I realised it was none other batsy. Anger filled me and I reached for Joker's gun which was lying on the deck.

Grabbing it, I started shooting it upwards on the roof, praying that it hits him and he dies. "Stupid batsy! You're ruining date night!"

I growled and Joker laughed before I turned around in my seat, looking at front when I realised that we were off the road and heading towards the pavement. But, that didn't bother me What bothered me was the lake right beside the pavement and I gripped onto the seat, feeling fear and dread grip my heart as I started panicking.

"Puddin'..." My voice trailed off weakly and I gulped, realising the danger I was in. The car was reaching towards the edge and I held onto the roof of the car of the support as I shouted.

"Puddin'! I can't swim!"

Soon, the car was off the road and heading straight into the water. I screamed in fear as the water hit my face with immense force, before I could even breathe. My head hit the glass infront of me hard and I felt hands trying to grab me on my side.

But, the brush of the familiar hands were long gone as I went through the glass, the glass shaterring around me as I fell on the roof of the car, slamming my head hard on it at the heavy impact.

I could see black and red spotches covering my vision and I couldn't hear anything except the rush of water and the faint voice of a man shouting my name somewhere. I tried to reach my hands to grab onto something when all I could reach for was a piece of broken glass. I grabbed it tightly into my hand, thinking that I would need it.

I looked up slowly, my vision still blurry as I looked at a big black figure approaching me. Immediately, I let my head down, waiting for him to come near so that I could attack him and get out of here. I felt the water infront of me rush and I knew he was here.

I looked up and saw his hands reaching towards me and swung the glass piece infront of him, trying to scratch his chest but he moved back just in time and blackness clouded my vision as I felt a sting in my nose as he punched me.

I could feel arms circling around my waist and pulling me out of the freezing water of Gotham River. The arms were not familiar and they were much broader. It was batsy and I tried to move around but couldn't.

I could feel my back hitting the roof of a car and suddenly a soft pair of lips slammed mine, breathing air into mine and I realised it was batsy.

Aw, batsy was trying to save me.

Deciding to tease him, I started moving my lips against his, gaining my senses back slowly as I tried to reach for his face but he pulled away giving me a pointed look as I laughed at his embarrasment. He pulled me up using my arms and I frowned at the pain of his force.

"You are coming with me." He said, his voice low and breathy like as if he was having trouble to speak and I giggled, shaking my head 'no'. He pulled on my arms hardly as he shoved me into his infamous bat-mobile.

"He took something important away from me." He paused, as he glared me, shutting the door in my face as he hopped onto the driver seat, and started the engine of the car.

I looked out the window, and looked at the broken railing and the tyre marks of our lamborghini on the road.

Where is puddin'?

Is he safe?

"I am taking something important away from him."

The engine of the car roared to life and I struggled to get out of the car and search for puddin'.

Where is he?

I hope he is safe.

No one can take anything away from him. Especially not me.



Buckle up and get ready for suicide squad. 🤗

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