Chapter 21

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 21

It was nearing the end of November and everyone was excited for Christmas. Ivy and Remus had settled in wonderfully at Hogwarts. Rhiannon had also settled in at Hogwarts. She stayed in the castle during the week and came home at the weekend. Gwennog often came with her. Rhiannon and Gwennog were also really excited for their second year as they both wished to play Quidditch for Gryffindor. Ivy had also recently found out that Petunia was expecting a baby.

*  *  *

It was Saturday and Ivy was going to visit Lily. Ivy knocked on the door and waited for her sister to answer. Lily opened the door slowly and seeing Ivy hugged her tightly.
"Come in. Alice is here." Lily said.
Ivy nodded and followed Lily through the house.Alice was sitting in one of the chairs in the living room.

"Hi, Al," Ivy said.
Alice smiled and the three friends chatted for a while.
"Ivy, can I ask you something?" Lily said.
Ivy nodded and followed Lily into the kitchen.
"What's wrong Lils?" Ivy asked.
"I wanted to tell you first," Lily replied.
"Tell me what?" Ivy asked.
"That Daniel is going to have two cousins," Lily replied.

Ivy grinned and hugged her sister. "That's wonderful news, Lil. Have you told James yet?"
Lily shook her head.
"Well can I tell you something?" Ivy asked.
Lily nodded.
"Daniel's very lucky. Two new cousins and a younger brother or sister." Ivy said.
Lily squealed and hugged her sister. "I take it you haven't told Remus yet?"
Ivy shook her head.

"Let's go tell Al. We can tell Remus and James later." Lily said.
Ivy nodded and the two sisters linked arms and walked into the living room.
"Guys! I need to tell you something. I'm having a baby!" Alice shouted.
Lily and Ivy both froze.
"Well, that's three of us," Lily said.
"Really?" Alice asked.
Ivy nodded and the three friends hugged.
"I suppose we'll have to tell the boys soon," Alice said.
"Well, I'm going home now to tell Remus and Rhiannon. Maybe we could all have dinner later." Ivy said.
Lily and Alice nodded.

"It's my turn to cook anyway," Lily said. "Meet here at about seven?"
Alice and Ivy nodded.
"See you later Lils," Ivy said and she disapparated.

*  *  *

"Hello, Daniel. Where's your daddy?" Ivy asked Daniel who was crawling across the floor.
"Remus?" She called.
"Kitchen!" Remus called back.
Ivy walked out to the kitchen where Remus was sitting at the table reading.
"Lily asked us to their house for dinner tonight," Ivy said.
"Wonderful. I haven't seen Lily in a while." Remus said.
"Can I tell you something?" Ivy asked quietly.

Remus closed his book and nodded. "What's wrong?"

"We're having another baby," Ivy said.
Remus smiled and stood up to hug her.
"That's wonderful." He said.
Ivy nodded. "I'm really excited."
"Have you told Lily?" Remus asked.
Ivy nodded. "This morning."
"We should tell Rhiannon," Remus said.
Ivy nodded. "I'll go and call her."

Ivy climbed the stairs slowly and knocked on Rhiannon's bedroom door.
"Rhiannon, can I talk to you for a moment?" Ivy asked.
Rhiannon nodded. "Be right back Gwen."
Gwennog nodded and went back to doing her charms homework.

*  *  *

"What's wrong mum?" Rhiannon asked.
"We have something to tell you," Ivy said, leading Rhiannon into the kitchen.
Rhiannon sat down by the table opposite Remus and Ivy sat beside him.
"What happened?" Rhiannon asked.
"We're having another baby," Remus announced.
Rhiannon smiled and stood up, running to hug them.
"Congratulations." She said and she ran upstairs to tell Gwennog.

*  *  *

That evening, Ivy, Remus, Daniel, Rhiannon and Gwennog went to Lily and James' for dinner. Lily was very fond of Gwennog and invited her regularly.

*  *  *

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" Lily called.
Gwennog and Rhiannon ran into the kitchen and sat down beside Alice.
"So, how has everyone been lately?" James asked, trying to start a conversation with the unusually quiet group.
Ivy nodded and a few people mumbled okay.

"I've been wonderful lately James!" Sirius shouted.
Ivy rolled her eyes and laughed with everyone else.
"Well, we have news," James said, sitting down beside Lily.
Sirius finally shut up then but only to hear what James had to say.
"We're having a baby," Lily announced smiling.

Ivy smiled at her sister and smiled as everyone started congratulating James and Lily.
"Congratulations Aunt Lily," Rhiannon said.
"We're also having another baby," Ivy announced.
Everyone rushed to congratulate her and Remus too.
"Congratulations Ives," James said.
Ivy smiled.
"Us too," Alice said.
Everyone rushed to congratulate her and Frank and Ivy laughed. She couldn't handle any more news.

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