Chapter 11

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 11

It was January 28th and there were only two days until Lily and Ivy's seventeenth birthday. James and Remus both had gifts for Lily. James had a gift for Ivy as well but Remus was stumped. What could he possibly buy her for such a monumental birthday?

*  *  *

Hey, Ives?" Remus asked the next morning.
"Yes?" Ivy questioned.
"What do you want for your birthday?" He asked.
Ivy shook her head. "Absolutely nothing. You being here will be the best gift ever." She said.
"But I want to give you a birthday present. Especially one for your seventeenth birthday. It's possibly the most important birthday for a wizard." Remus protested.

"Fine. No present but can we go stargazing?" Ivy asked.

Remus nodded. "Of course."

*  *  *

It was the 30th of January 1978 and Lily and Ivy Evans were turning seventeen.
Ivy opened her eyes slowly and looked at her bedside clock. Eight o' clock.
"Happy Birthday Lils!" Ivy exclaimed, shaking Lily's shoulder vigorously.
Lily smiled and sat up wearily. "Happy Birthday!" She said, hugging her sister tightly.
Ivy smiled sweetly at her sister.

"I've got you your present but I'll give it to you later. I want to promise you something, first." Lily said.
Ivy nodded, telling her to go on.

"I promise that I, Lily Evans will be the best aunt ever. And James will be the best uncle. Although his pranking may rub off on the baby a little, so don't be surprised if you son or daughter is a trouble maker. Especially if it's a boy." Lily went on.
Ivy stopped for a minute to process what her sister had said. James would be a great 'uncle'. He couldn't be the baby's uncle unless he was married to Ivy's sister. Lily!
"Lily Evans! Is there something you're not telling me?" Ivy demanded, smiling mischievously at her sister.
"Maybe," Lily said.

"Did James ask you to marry him?" Ivy asked.
Lily nodded. "It was my birthday present." She confessed. "He asked me last night."
Ivy grinned at her sister. "I'm happy for you."
Lily grinned back. "Thank you."

*  *  *

Ivy ran down the stairs faster than a chaser in a game of Quidditch. She reached the bottom and stopped suddenly causing Lily to run into her back. She scanned the room for Remus and James. They were sitting in the corner of the room with Sirius, Peter and Frank Longbottom. Ivy skipped over to them and tapped Remus on the shoulder. He turned around and seeing it was Ivy, smiled at her. He stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Happy Birthday!" He said.
Ivy smiled at him. "Thank you." She then walked over to James. "Congratulations!" She said, hugging him tightly.
He smiled. "Thanks, Ives. And happy birthday."
Sirius and Peter mumbled happy birthday before wandering off to the library. Frank said happy birthday to both Ivy and Lily before he went to find his girlfriend Alice.

"So what are we doing today?" Ivy asked.
"Well me, you, James and Lily are going to Hogsmead, but first I wanted to give you your birthday present," Remus said.
Ivy rolled her eyes. "I thought I said no presents!" She protested.
"I know but I felt really bad for not getting you anything so I only got you something small. I promise." Remus said handing her a small blue ring box.
Ivy opened it curiously to find inside a diamond ring. 

"Really?" She asked, tears welling in her eyes. 
Remus nodded. "If you'll have me." 
Ivy nodded. "Of course I will."
He smiled down at her. "I love you."
Ivy stretched up on her toes and kissed his cheek. "Love you more."
"My turn to give you my present!" James shouted childishly.

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