Chapter 6

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 6

It was a Saturday afternoon, several weeks after the incident by the lake, and James, Lily, Remus and Ivy were sitting under a massive tree in the school grounds. After an awkward conversation following the lake incident, Ivy and Remus had become a couple. James had finally learned some humility and having sheepishly asked Lily out one morning at breakfast, minus his usual bravado, she had accepted, following some convincing from Remus and Ivy of course. They were currently making the most of the last of the autumn sunshine, which had lasted into October this year. 

"It's almost Halloween!" Ivy remarked suddenly. 
"You're right," James confirmed. "But why does it matter?" 
"Because it's a holiday and it's fun!" Ivy said. "What are we doing to celebrate?" 
Remus shrugged. "No one celebrates Halloween around here. We never do anything." 
Ivy was appalled. "We have to do something! I'll talk to McGonagall. Lily, you're helping." 
Lily who had been dozing under a tree lazily opened one eye. "What are you thinking?" 
"A costume ball!"

Later that afternoon, Ivy burst through the door of the Gryffindor common room. 
"I have succeeded!" She announced dramatically, flopping down on a couch beside James and Lily. 
"Succeeded with what?" Remus asked, from his seat in front of the fire. 
"After much bargaining, I finally managed to convince McGonagall to let us host a Halloween ball!" 
"Impressive, Evans Jr!" Sirius remarked. "Old McGonagall is a tough egg. How'd you get through to her?" 
Ivy shrugged. "I simply convinced her that celebrating holidays that celebrate our nature is important. So get your costumes ready gang! I am going to go and find Alice, as I hear she is quite the planner. "

After two weeks of thorough planning, sticking posters on every possible surface and cutting, sewing and sticking to ensure the perfect costume, the Halloween ball was happening. Ivy and Lily and their roommate and friend Alice Johnson were planning to get ready for the ball early, in order to arrive and ensure that everything was running perfectly. Ivy had decided in truly humourous fashion to dress as a witch, complete with broomstick and hat. Lily was dressed at Glinda the Good Witch and Alice was dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

When they arrived at the party, later than they'd hoped, thanks to a slight wardrobe malfunction, there were costumed students everywhere. Everyone was dancing and even the teachers had tried, to some extent. Professor McGonagall, humorously sported a pair of cat ears and Hagrid was wearing a dragon hat.

After finding Frank, Alice's boyfriend, Ivy and Lily made their way to dance, anticipating the arrival of their own dates. Sirius was already there, dancing suggestively with a blonde Slytherin girl and Peter was chatting to Hagrid. Lily then spotted James across the room, dressed as half a horse. The implication was, Sirius had intended to be the horse's head. Ivy spotted Remus across the room, dressed in a similarly mocking wizard's robe and starry hat. 

"You look like Professor Dumbledore!" Ivy remarked. 
Remus tipped his hat. "Well, then I should be offering you sherbert lemons!" 
At that very moment, Professor Dumbledore approached the pair. 
"Congratulations on a glorious party Miss Evans!" 
"Thank you, Professor," Ivy said. "Though I can't take all the credit. I had a lot of help from Lily and Alice." 
"Well co, gratulations! And fabulous outfit Mr Lupin!" 
Remus smiled as Dumbledore walked away. 

What a perfect night!

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