Chapter 20

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 20

It was the first of September and Ivy and Remus would be taking Rhiannon to King's Cross to arrive at Hogwarts. They thought it would be best for her as then she might be able to make friends.

*  *  *

"Bye mum," Rhiannon said, hugging Ivy.
"Bye dear. I'll see you soon." Ivy said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
She didn't think she'd be saying goodbye to one of her children at King's Cross for a long time. It seemed that that time had come much earlier than she expected. Rhiannon was like her daughter now. A part of her family.

Rhiannon had met Lily and James a couple of days ago. She loved Lily and James and Lily and James loved her. She had also met Mr and Mrs Evans and Mr and Mrs Lupin. They all liked her and she liked them all so all was well.
"Goodbye, dad," Rhiannon said, hugging Remus.
"Be careful and I'll see you later," Remus said.
Rhiannon nodded.
"Love you," Remus told her.
Rhiannon smiled. "Love you, dad. You too, mum."
Ivy smiled and nodded but tears were now streaming freely down her cheeks. Remus smiled and hugged her.

Rhiannon hugged Daniel and kissed his cheek.
See you soon Dan." She said, and she waved one last time and climbed aboard the train.

*  *  *

Rhiannon had been sitting in a compartment on her own, reading for quite some time. She looked at her watch. It was only twelve o' clock. She would be here for quite a while longer. She then heard a knock on the compartment door. She looked up and saw a small, dark girl smiling at her.
"Could I sit here? All the other compartments are full." Said the witch.
Rhiannon nodded. "Of course."
The witch smiled gratefully and sat down opposite Rhiannon.
"I'm Gwennog by the way. Gwennog Jones." Said the witch, holding her hand out.
"Rhiannon Williams-Lupin," Rhiannon said, shaking the witch's hand.

"If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?" Gwenog asked.
"Caerphilly." Rhiannon replied. "It's in Wales."
Gwennog nodded. "I know. I'm from Holyhead. In North Wales."
Rhiannon nodded. "My mother told me there were only two Welsh students this year. She was hoping I'd meet you."
Gwenog smiled. "So what class are you looking forward to? I'm really excited for Defence against the Dark Arts. It sounds really interesting."
Rhiannon nodded. "It is. My mother is teaching Defence against the Dark Arts this year."
Gwennog's eyes grew wide. "Your mother. As in Ivy Lupin?"
Rhiannon nodded. "She's not my real mother. My parents were killed a few months ago. She adopted me."

Gwennog nodded. "But wait. That means you father is Remus."
Rhiannon nodded.

*  *  *

"Come on Gwen! We'll miss the boats otherwise!" Rhiannon called.
"No one told me anything about boats!" Gwennog shouted from the train compartment.
Rhiannon rolled her eyes and grabbing her friend by the wrist, dragged her off the train.
"First years, this way!" Hagrid's booming voice called.
Rhiannon pulled Gwennog over to Hagrid.

"Hi, Hagrid!" Rhiannon said, hugging him.
"'Ello Rhiannon," Hagrid said. "Your dad's over 'ere somewhere."
Rhiannon nodded and dragged Gwenog to find Remus. Remus was busy herding first years onto the boats.

"Hi, dad!" Rhiannon called, running to hug Remus.
"How was the journey?" Remus asked, hugging her back.
Rhiannon nodded. "Dad, this is Gwennog. She's from Wales as well."
Remus smiled and held his hand out to Gwenog.
"I'm Remus." He said.
"Where's mum?" Rhiannon asked.
"In the castle with Daniel," Remus replied.
Rhiannon nodded and clambered aboard a boat with Remus and Gwenog.

*  *  *

"The sorting ceremony will now begin." Professor McGonagall announced.
Everyone silenced and McGonagall took her list of parchment.
"Where do you want to go?" Gwennog asked Rhiannon.
"Gryffindor. That's where my parents both went. And my aunt and uncle." Rhiannon replied.
"Andrews, William," McGonagall called.
A small boy with thick square framed glasses walked up and sat on the stool.
"Ravenclaw!" The sorting hat shouted.
Many other children were called then,
"Jones, Gwennog," McGonagall called.

Gwennog took a deep breath and walked slowly up to the stool. McGonagall lowered the hat onto her head.
"A very wise one indeed. Ravenclaw would be proud of you. Alas, you have a cunning mind also. You would do well in Slytherin. But one quality is more admirable than all the rest in your young mind. And that is your courage. Better be . . . Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.
Gwenog smiled and skipped over to the Gryffindor table.

A few other children were called and then,
"Williams-Lupin, Rhiannon," McGonagall called.
Rhiannon nodded and walked slowly up to the stool.
"You're also a very smart one. Ravenclaw would be privileged to have you in their house. You have no cunning mind but Slytherin would be lucky to have you. Alas, you want to follow your parents. And your friends. Your courage and bravery are your most admirable qualities it seems. Better be . . . Gryffindor!"
Rhiannon smiled and walked over to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Gwennog.

She looked up to the teacher's table and met eyes with her father. He smiled warmly at her and she grinned at him. She then met eyes with her mother, who had tears running down her cheeks. Rhiannon smiled and touched her heart. Ivy did the same.

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