Chapter 3

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belongs exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 3

As Lily and Remus silently returned to the group's shared compartment, Remus turned Lily's words over and over in his mind. Could he really rekindle what had started between he and Ivy years ago? Would she be the same? Would she feel the same? Could she ever love who he really was? Despite Lily's excitement, all he felt was trepidation. There were so many questions, and so many of the answers seemed uncertain to him. 

When they finally arrived at the compartment, Remus noticed that Ivy was engaged in conversation with a very excitable and newly arrived Peter, who was cheerfully showing him a new comic book he'd bought for the trip back to school.

Remus sat beside Peter, offering a polite hello. Peter half responded, his attention completely focused on the comic book. Lily was frowning from the doorway, realising the only seat remaining was beside James. She scowled at him as she sat down to which he only responded with an arrogant grin. 

Ivy was shifting awkwardly in her seat, clearly unsure of how to deal with such a excited Peter. Remus saw this as an opportunity. 
"Ivy, we didn't offer you anything from the snack trolley. Would you like me to show you where it is so you can get yourself something?"
She smiled gratefully and followed Remus to the door. In his peripheral vision he saw Lily giving him a thumbs up.

They walked in silence for a few moments before Remus decided to attempt to engage in a conversation. 
"I don't suppose you remember me from two summers ago." He said, awkwardly fidling with the buttons on his jumper. 
Ivy smiled. "Of course I do! I always thought you were the cutest!" She confessed. "I wouldn't forget you in a hurry." 
Remus smiled. "I'm impressed I made such an impression. As you might imagine I'm not generally the popular one of the Marauders." 
"Well you definitely impressed me." Ivy confirmed. "Do you remember all those trips we took to get ice cream by the beach?"
Remus nodded, recalling the positive memories of that summer.
"I remember that we almost kissed on the pier." Ivy said. "And then James pushed you over and into the water." 
Remus chuckled. He'd been mentally cursing James for days after the incident.

"I'm sorry to hear that you had some trouble at your old school." Remus offered kindly.
Ivy shrugged. "It's okay. I suppose it worked out for the best. I get to be here with Lily for my final year, and I get to spend time with her friends. And you all seem lovely. Peter's a tad exciteable and god, does Sirius love himself. What's the deal with James and Lily?" Ivy asked.
Remus shrugged. "I mean, they spend time together sometimes, though not generally out of choice. I think Lily sees him as more of a friend whereas a blind, half mad donkey could tell that James is mad for her."
Ivy nodded. "I'm sure it will all work out."

As they made their way back to the compartment, Ivy noticed Severus Snape, glaring sulkily out of the window of his own compartment. 
"I should go and say hi." Ivy said. "We've known each other since way back when." 

Remus nodded. "Do you think you could find your way back to the compartment?" 
Ivy nodded and satisfied, Remus began to head back. 
"Hey Remus!" Ivy called. "We should hang out sometime."  
Remus nodded and made his way back to the compartment with a lively spring in his step.


Despite removing the videos, I had to leave this one because: I love PAINT and this video is awesome!

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