Chapter 17

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 17

It had been just over a month since Ivy and Remus' wedding and Ivy couldn't get used to calling Remus her husband. She was so used to boyfriend or fiancé. Husband felt right but it sounded weird.

*  *  *

"Ives. I've changed my mind." Lily said defiantly.
"Lils. You and I both know there'd be an angry mob after you if you changed your mind and I'll give you three guesses as to who'll be leading them." Ivy told her sister.
"James?" Lily asked.
Ivy nodded.
"So I can't cancel?" Lily confirmed.
Ivy nodded. "Cancellation. Not an option."
Lily let out a huge sigh and grinned at Ivy. "If I'm this nervous, Alice will be B-E-Y-O-N-D."
Ivy nodded.

Lily smiled. "Thanks for being a good friend Ives. I know you're my sister but you've done so much more for me than Tuney." Lily said.
Ivy smiled. "You're welcome Lils. Really welcome. Now come on, let me do your hair properly."
Lily nodded and sat still and silent for about twenty minutes while Ivy curled her hair.

"Done!" Ivy shouted.
"Wow. I look. . . ."
"Beautiful. Mrs Potter." Ivy teased.
Lily rolled her eyes and smiled at Ivy. Ivy grinned back and Mrs Evans walked through the door.
"Not again!" She complained, tears streaming freely down her cheeks.
Lily smiled. "Please, Mum. Don't cry!" She said, hugging her mother.
Mrs Evans nodded and wiped her eyes.

"I just spoke to James' mother and apparently, it's taking Sirius, Remus and his dad to stop him from running into the house," Ivy said, appearing at her mother's elbow.
Lily laughed and relaxed a tiny bit.
"I think we're just about ready Mum," Ivy said.

Mrs Evans nodded and hurried down the stairs followed by Ivy. Alice stayed with Lily in a desperate attempt to try and calm her. But it seemed highly impossible as Lily would not calm down. She was more hyped up than Ivy had been.

*  *  *

"You look beautiful little sister!" James announced as Ivy descended the staircase.
Ivy rolled her eyes. "Little? Need I go over this again?" She questioned.
"Absolutely not," James replied.
Ivy nodded and hugged him.
"She's waited a long time for this you know," Ivy said.
"For what?" James questioned.
"Someone she loves. Make it count." Ivy cautioned.
James nodded.
"By the way, I like your dress," James said, smirking at Ivy.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Well, your wedding will be, as they say, a typical Gryffindor wedding."
James nodded. "That was thanks to my awesome wedding planning actually. I decided on the colour scheme. Lily didn't want red and gold. She thought it was too Christmassy for July but I can be very persuasive when I want to be."
Ivy grinned. "Well, I love it. And I love how you and Sirius are both wearing your school ties."
James nodded. "I better be going then. I expect Lily is almost ready."

Ivy nodded. "She looks lovely. She's really nervous, though. Then again the way I hear it, you're pretty nervous yourself. Am I right?" Ivy suggested.
James nodded. "Extremely nervous. Now, I'm going to leave before I throw up."
Ivy nodded and hugged him once more before running up the stairs to find her sister.

*  *  *

"Come on Lils. You'll be fine. Just remember. Walk towards James and Sirius and everything will be wonderful." Ivy told her sister.
Lily nodded and linked arms with her father.
"Right behind you Lily," Alice said.
Lily took a deep breath and the music started. Mr Evans led her down the aisle and Ivy and Alice followed them.

At the end of the aisle, Ivy took Lily's flowers and she and Alice went to sit beside Remus, Frank and Mrs Evans in the front.

"Thank you all for coming." Said Mr Potter.
James' father had recently qualified to officiate weddings and he was overjoyed to have been given the opportunity to officiate his son's wedding.

"We would like to thank everyone for coming. It means a great deal to us and I know that it means a great deal to Lily and James that you made the effort to come today." Mr Potter said.

Mr Potter said a few more things. Then James and Lily exchanged rings.
"Lily Evans. Do you take James to be your husband?" Mr Potter asked.
Lily nodded. "I do."
James smiled and Mr Potter asked him,
"James Potter do you take Lily to be your wife?"
James nodded proudly. "I do."
Lily smiled and wiped a tear from her eye.
"Before I pronounce this couple married does anyone in the audience object to this union?" Mr Potter asked.

No one said anything.
"Very well then. I now pronounce you man and wife. James, you may kiss your bride." Mr Potter said.
James nodded and kissed Lily softly.
Lily smiled and hugged him. Ivy smiled too, wiping tears from her own eyes. She wouldn't be surprised if Daniel had a cousin soon.

*  *  *

The reception followed the wedding very nicely. Everyone gathered in the garden of the Potters' enormous house. It was July and therefore the weather had been kind to them.

"Congratulations Mrs Potter," Ivy said, hugging Lily tightly.
"Thank you, Ives," Lily said
Ivy nodded and smiled. "You're so very welcome. Now I had better go and congratulate my new little brother." Ivy said, laughing.
"Ok. I'll see you later then." Lily said.

Ivy nodded and took Daniel to James who was talking to Remus.
"Now Daniel. This is your uncle James. Your nice uncle." Ivy told Daniel.
Daniel smiled and held his arms out to James who took him carefully.
"I always wanted a little brother when I was a child. Maybe I'll have to have a son instead." James said.
Ivy laughed. "I'm sure Lily would love that."


I have decided to keep this video as it's so sweet and really encompasses what the story of Harry Potter is at its' core: a story of love.

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