Chapter 9

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 9

It was nearing the end of the holidays and everyone was coming back to school the next day. Ivy and Remus had spent most of their holidays doing nothing. Ivy was excited to see James and Lily and so was Remus. 

*  *  *

"They'll be here any second!" Ivy squealed.

Everyone was coming back to school today and Ivy was ecstatic. She couldn't wait to see Lily.

*  *  *

"IVY!" Lily shouted through the common room.
Ivy ran down the stairs, Remus on her heels. She and Lily ran full pelt at each other. Remus had visions of them colliding head on but they stopped and hugged each other.

"I missed you so much!" Ivy said. "But I had a wonderful Christmas here."

"What did you get?" Lily asked.

Ivy showed Lily her necklace and Lily smiled. 
"You did good Remus!" She said, pulling him into a hug.

At that moment, James walked through the door.

"Lils, I hope you're not cheating on me with Moony. Although if you were, I don't think your sister would be best pleased."

Lily grinned and hugged James.


*  *  *


"Yes, dear?"
"I need to ask you something," Ivy said.

"What is it?" Remus asked looking worried.
"How do you feel about children?" Ivy asked quietly.
"Why?" Remus narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Because we might have one soon," Ivy said. 
"How long have you known?" Remus asked.
"Three days," Ivy said, tears welling in her eyes. 
"We'll be alright." He said, hugging her tightly. "We will be fine and I will look after you and this baby." 
Ivy smiled. "I'm so glad you're happy. I was so worried about how you would react." 
Remus smiled. "Things are ever changing." 
Ivy nodded. "I should go and tell Aunt Lily."

As Ivy entered her dorm, Lily took one look at her sister's tear stained face and ran to hug her.

"What happened?" She asked. "Was it something with Remus?"
"Nothing," Ivy said, shaking her head.
"Then what's wrong?" Lily said.

"We received some surprising news is all," Ivy said. "You're going to be an aunt. We're expecting."
"Are you serious?" Lily said. 
Ivy nodded. "I was so worried how he would react. But he's happy Lils, he really is."
"Congratulations," Lily said, hugging her sister.

*  *  *

Remus looked at his watch. Ivy had been gone nearly half an hour. Could this be an indication of Lily's reaction? He spotted the pair descending the girls' staircase. Ivy walked over slowly, closely followed by Lily.
"Congratulations," Lily said, hugging Remus.

Remus smiled. "Thanks, Lil."

"What are we congratulating?" James asked, rising from his seat on the carpet. 

Ivy turned around. James took one look at her tear stained face and his smile dropped.
"What happened?" He asked.
Lily shook her head. "Nothing James, just a surprise is all."

"Share, share!" James said.

"There's going to be a baby Marauder soon," Lily said.

"How?" James asked.
Lily nodded towards Remus and Ivy.
"Congratulations Moony," James said, hugging Remus.

"You too Ives," James said picking her up.

"Drop her and I'll kill you!" Remus warned.

At that moment Sirius walked through the common room door followed by Peter.
He took one look at Ivy and jumped to conclusions. "Moony! What did you do?" Sirius shouted.

"Nothing!" Remus protested. "Why is when she cries everyone thinks I did something?"

"We had a nice surprise. That's all." Lily said.

"Tell, tell," Sirius said.
"Well, there's going to be a baby Marauder soon," Lily said.

"How come?" Sirius asked looking amused.
"Ivy and Remus are having a baby!" James said.
Sirius glared at Remus and Ivy before grinning and running to hug them. "Congrats guys!"
Peter nodded and mumbled congratulations before disappearing out of the common room.

"I'm going to go and send an owl to Mum and Dad," Ivy said. "Come on Remus."
Ivy and Remus climbed the stairs closely followed by Lily, then James and lastly Sirius.

Dear Mum and Dad,
How was your Christmas? Despite the quietness, I had a very enjoyable Christmas at Hogwarts with Remus. Lily seems to have enjoyed at James' and I hope you also enjoyed your celebrations.

I am writing to inform you of some surprising though not unwelcome news. Remus and I are expecting a baby. I realise you may not be too happy about this. You'll probably think we're too young and we realise that this is not the natural order of things. However, we are very much committed to the arduous but no doubt rewarding task that is before us. I know that I will have the best examples to ensure that my child will be happy and healthy and raised in a nurturing home environment.

See you soon.

Love always,
Ivy Evans xx

Ivy sighed and rolled up the letter, tying it to the leg of her owl.
"Take it to Mum and Dad. And wait for a reply." Ivy told the owl.
The owl hooted twice before flying out of the open window.

*  *  *

The evening was spent like any normal evening. Ivy enjoyed spending time with her friends. She wasn't worried or nervous about anything. Until her owl flew through the window, dropping a letter in her lap.

Remus met her eyes and Ivy gulped. She stood up and walked to her dorm. Remus was about to follow her when he stopped and thought about it. He decided to leave her to read her letter alone. Then he would go and find her.

*  *  *

Ivy sat in her dorm clutching her letter. She took a deep breath and unrolled it.

We are so glad to hear that you and Remus had a lovely Christmas, and of course, that Lily also enjoyed. We too had a pleasant festive period, though it was quiet without you girls. 

Congratulations on the news of your baby. While we do wish you had waited until you were older, Remus and you are both very responsible and we know he'll look after you. We look forward to seeing you at Easter.

Speak to you soon.

Love always,
Mum and Dad xx

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