Chapter 18

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 28

It was nearing September the first. Alice and Frank had gotten married in August so now everyone was married. Well except for Sirius. But Ivy doubted he would ever settle down and get married. Peter wasn't married either but Ivy hadn't seen him since graduation. He didn't show up to any of the weddings. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Slughorn had been at every wedding, smiling and laughing in the crowd.

McGonagall was very fond of Daniel and she couldn't wait until he started school.

Ivy would be starting a new job in September. She would be teaching Defence against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. They would be staying in a small house in the Hogwarts grounds as Remus wasn't working.

A law had recently been passed that werewolves couldn't get jobs so Remus would be staying at home to look after Daniel while Ivy worked.

*  *  *

We'd better be going. Dumbledore will be expecting us soon." Ivy said.
"Are we apparating?" Remus asked.
Ivy shook her head.
"I didn't think it'd be a good idea with Daniel. We're going via Floo network instead. There's a fireplace in our new house." Ivy said.
Remus nodded.

*  *  *

Ivy coughed and climbed out of the fireplace. She dragged the trunks out of the way in order for Remus and Daniel to floo through. They arrived successfully. They then unpacked things quickly. Or rather, they then cast spells to unpack things quickly and they went to meet Dumbledore in his office.

*  *  *

"Wonderful to see you Mr and Mrs Lupin. And of course young Daniel too. It will be his birthday quite soon am I right?" Dumbledore asked.
Ivy nodded. "Yes, sir. In about a month actually. October 7th."
Dumbledore nodded. "Well, I expect he'll be spoiled. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something. As you'll both be living so close to Hogwarts, I was wondering if I might ask you to keep an extra eye on some students for me? You are both obviously members of the Order and there is one new student who I am rather worried about. She'll be in your classes Ivy and I was hoping you would keep a close eye on her. Her parents were killed by You-Know-Who a couple of weeks back. She's been staying here ever since and she seems to know an awful lot about the two of you so I thought you might be the best people to look after her."

"Professor, who will she stay with during the holidays?" Remus asked.
"Well, you see Remus that is my problem. If she makes some friends I might be able to talk to their parents about adopting her maybe. She's a lovely girl but she's ever so shy. I'm worried that she won't make friends. And then, I've got nowhere to put her. No one who will look after her." Dumbledore replied.

"Well Professor, I'd really like to meet her. But if she is as lovely as you say, we'd be happy to look after her." Ivy said.
"I thought you might say that Ivy," Dumbledore said.
"By the way, what's her name?" Ivy asked.
"Rhiannon. She's from Caerphilly." Dumbledore said.
"Where's that?" Remus asked.
"In Wales. We don't have as many Welsh students, as usual, this year, but one girl, Gwennog Jones, is in a lot of Rhiannon's classes. It might be a friendship worth engaging." Dumbledore remarked.
Ivy nodded. "Of course. But could I meet Rhiannon first?"
Dumbledore nodded.

"Take Daniel home. I'll bring her back with me later." Ivy said to Remus.
He nodded and hugged her quickly before taking Daniel out of the main school building and down the hill to their house.

*  *  *

"I must warn you. She's very shy. She might not even talk to you at all. But I know you better than you think and if anyone can do it you can." Dumbledore said.
Ivy nodded and knocked on the door.
"Come in." Came a tiny voice from inside.
Ivy pushed open the door slowly to reveal a small girl with long, blonde hair sitting on a bed in the corner of the room.

Ivy looked around and realised it was her old dormitory that she had shared with Alice, Lily and a few other girls.
"I'm Ivy," Ivy said, holding her hand out to the little girl.
The girl shook her hand and smiled. "I'm Rhiannon."
Ivy nodded. "I know who you are. Dumbledore told me who you are."
Rhiannon smiled a little.

"So I hear you lost your parents a while ago," Ivy said.
Rhiannon nodded. "Dumbledore's trying to find someone to adopt me but it's not looking good. No one wants me." Rhiannon said.
"Well, Dumbledore told me about you. And I told him if you were as nice as he said you were then Remus and I would adopt you." Ivy said.

Rhiannon's face lit up. "Am I as nice as he told you?"
Ivy shook her head. Rhiannon's face fell.
"You're much nicer than he said," Ivy said.
Rhiannon smiled.
"I'll have to talk to Remus about it but you're welcome to come to our house for dinner tonight," Ivy said.

Rhiannon nodded eagerly.
"Come on then," Ivy said.

*  *  *

"I really like her," Ivy said later that night after Dumbledore had collected Rhiannon.
Remus nodded. "She was very nice. But do you think we can handle two children?"
Ivy nodded. "I want to help her."
"But can we handle it? We're both only eighteen." Remus said.
"You'll only have to look after Daniel. She'll be in school all day." Ivy said.
"Okay," Remus said.
"Yay!" Ivy squealed and she jumped out of her chair and fell next to Remus on the sofa.
"She can move her things here tomorrow," Remus said.

"I think I'll ask Dumbledore about her staying in the castle during the week. She can stay here Friday and Saturday nights but she should stay in the castle for the school week. People might treat her differently if they know she's kind of our daughter." Ivy said.
Remus nodded. "That's a good idea. She might make some friends as well then. She's a lovely girl but Dumbledore was right. She's painfully shy."
Ivy nodded. "I think it'll be nice having her around."
Remus nodded. "Definitely."

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