Chapter 12

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 12

It was July 20th, 1978 and Ivy, Remus, James, Lily, Sirius, Peter, Frank and Alice were all preparing for the biggest step in their lives so far. Graduation. It would be a day filled with tears, forgiveness, friendships and more than anything, goodbyes.

Ivy sat at the window of their dorm playing with her engagement ring. She couldn't believe she had been at Hogwarts an entire school year. But she couldn't have been happier. She had made the life she had always wanted for herself by coming to Hogwarts. She had met the man she loved; she had made friends for life and had learned who she was.

And the adventure didn't finish with graduation. Her baby would be born in September. After that, she would be joining the Order of the Phoenix along with Remus, Lily, James, Sirius, Peter, Frank and Alice as well as becoming an Auror.

And then there would be three weddings. Remus and Ivy would be getting married first on June 22nd, 1979. Then would be James and Lily's wedding on July 31st, 1979. And lastly, Frank and Alice on August 13th, 1979. Frank and Alice had become very good friends with Ivy since Easter. Alice had always been friends with Lily but now the three girls were inseparable. Which was good seeing as Frank was very good friends with Remus, James and Sirius. Peter was never really around anymore. He would always disappear off to somewhere.

*  *  *

"Ivy, are you ready?" Alice called through the dorm room door.
"Coming," Ivy said.
She stood from her seat by the window and lifted the hem of her dress, so as not to trip. She couldn't believe that this perfect year was almost over.
Ivy hugged Alice tightly.
"I'm really going to miss you, Al," Ivy said.

Alice nodded. "Don't worry. I'll see you often enough. I'll visit you all the time and after the baby's born, you'll join the order and we'll see each other all the time."
Ivy nodded and a tear slipped down her cheek.
"Come on. Let's go find the others." Alice said, looping her arm through Ivy's.

Ivy nodded and the two friends went to find Lily and the boys.

*  *  *

"They're by the tree on the hill," Alice told Ivy. "They wanted to go there for the last time."
Ivy nodded and the girls made their way over the hill to the top where Lily, Remus, James, Sirius, Frank and Peter all sat. Ivy collapsed onto the floor beside Remus and Alice sat beside her. Remus hugged her tightly and pulled her closer to him.
"You look beautiful." He told her.

Ivy smiled but the smile didn't reach her eyes. There was a sense of finality about this moment. There would be no more days like this. There would be no more carefree days at Hogwarts. That was all over now.

*  *  *

"I would like to thank you all for coming this afternoon." Said Professor McGonagall. "I have known most of the children here since they were eleven years old and to see how they have progressed is remarkable. While I may not have known some as long, they have also progressed tremendously and this will be one year of students that Hogwarts will miss sorely."
Everyone clapped and McGonagall smiled.
"Now I would like to invite this year's head boy and girl James Potter and Lily Evans to give their speeches," McGonagall announced.

Everyone clapped and James and Lily stepped up to the podium to talk.
"Thank you, professor," James said, smiling. "Lily will give her speech first."

Lily smiled and stepped forwards. "Good afternoon, parents, teachers, friends. Today will be a sad day for all of us. We will be saying goodbye to a school that has been part of our lives for seven years. I know I will miss Hogwarts sorely and I will miss all the people I've met." Lily looked guiltily at Severus Snape. "Some more than others. But as we say goodbye to school, a new and exciting chapter in our lives begins. For some people, it may be getting married and having children." Lily smiled at Remus and Ivy who sat in the front row. "For others, it may be training for a new career and making a name for themselves. But what everyone should remember, is not what they do with their magic, it's where they learned the beautiful arts of transfiguration and potions and charms and every other carefully mastered wizarding skill. And should you ever be threatened, remember everything Hogwarts taught you. And remember that Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

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