Chapter 13

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 13

It was October 7th, 1978 and Ivy and Lily were sitting in Ivy's living room.
"I thought the baby was due last week," Lily said.
Ivy nodded. "It was but Madam Pomfrey said they had to wait at least an extra week before I could be induced," Ivy explained.
Lily nodded. She noticed Ivy's face change.

"Hey, Lils?" Ivy asked.
"Yes?" Lily asked.
"Can you take me to Madam Pomfrey, please? I think the baby's on its way." Ivy said calmly.
Alarm registered on Lily's face as she grabbed her wand and apparated herself and Ivy to Hogwarts.
"Where's Remus?" Lily asked.
Ivy shrugged. "Work maybe."
"I'll get James to find him," Lily said, casting her patronus and sending it to James.

*  *  *

James was sat in his sitting room reading when a patronus flew through the window. It was a doe. Lily's patronus. The patronus opened its mouth and spoke.
"James, it's Lily. Ivy's having the baby as I speak. Find Remus and get him to the hospital wing at Hogwarts."
James leapt into action straight away. He had to find Remus and quickly. He first apparated to Ivy and Remus' house.
"Remus are you here?" He called.          
There was no answer.
James sighed and apparated himself outside Remus' parents' house. He knocked on the door and Mrs Lupin answered.
"Good afternoon Mrs Lupin. Remus wouldn't happen to be here would he?" James asked.
Mrs Lupin shook her head. "No sorry dear. But if he does happen to pop by I'll tell him you were looking for him."
James nodded and thanked Mrs Lupin before apparating to Hogsmeade.

He searched the town with no luck. Lastly, he apparated to Diagon Alley. Knowing Remus he'd probably be in Flourish and Blotts or something. He entered the small book shop and saw Remus sitting in a corner reading. Remus looked up upon hearing the bell ring. When he saw James, alarm registered on his face.
"Remus, Ivy, the baby. . ." James started.

Remus nodded and without a word, apparated himself and James to Hogwarts. They ran through the hallways to the hospital wing where they found Madam Pomfrey. She led the two through the hospital wing to a small room alone where Ivy lay in a bed, a bundle in her arms. Lily sat beside her in a chair, smiling.

Upon seeing James and Remus entering the room, Ivy's face lit up. Remus ran to the side of her bed. Ivy smiled and handed him the baby.
"Say hello to your son," Ivy said, tears glistening in her eyes.
Remus smiled down at his son, tears in his eyes as well.
"Daniel Remus Lupin." Ivy sighed dreamily.
James and Lily both smiled.
"Congratulations," James said.
Lily smiled and nodded. "Yes. Congratulations. Both of you."
Ivy smiled. "James. I know you want to hold him."

James grinned like a five-year-old. "Can I?" He asked eagerly.
Ivy laughed and nodded. Remus handed Daniel to James and James started talking to Daniel in a babyish voice. Ivy and Remus watched them for a while.
"It's my turn to hold him!" Lily shouted.
James shook his head. "No. I haven't finished my turn yet!"
"But it's my turn now!" Lily protested.
"Ivy!" They both complained.
"No arguing or no one will hold him," Ivy said sternly.

James and Lily both nodded and James handed Daniel over.
Daniel was passed back and forth for hours until Lily remembered something.
"Oh my gosh! We haven't told Alice and Frank. Or Sirius and Peter. Or Dumbledore and McGonagall. Or Mum and Dad." She said.
They all nodded.
"I'll go get Sirius and Peter. Lils, you get Alice and Frank. Dumbledore, McGonagall and your parents can come tomorrow." James said.
Lily nodded and she and James both disapparated.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here," Remus said apologetically.
"It's okay. You're here now." Ivy said, smiling up at him.
"He's perfect," Remus said.
Ivy nodded. She was about to say something else before she heard the high pitched scream of,
"Let me see him!"
Ivy grinned. Alice was here.

She rushed into the room, followed by Frank and Lily. Ivy grinned and handed Daniel to Alice.
"He's so cute. Congratulations guys!" Alice said.
"Congratulations." Frank said, shaking Remus' hand and hugging Ivy.
At that moment, James returned, Sirius in tow.
"We couldn't find Peter but I though one Marauder would be better than none."
Sirius rushed over to Alice who was still holding Daniel, giggling like a four-year-old.
"He's so cute! Congrats Ives. You too Moony." Sirius said. "Lily. You have a beautiful nephew."
Lily nodded. "I know."

Frank, Alice and Sirius stayed for a few hours and the friends chatted and laughed together.
"Come on Al. We'd better go home." Frank said.
"Me too," Sirius said.
They all said goodbye and left.
Lily and James left a little later, leaving Ivy and Remus alone.

"Congratulations," Remus said.
Ivy smiled. "Thank you."

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