Author's Note

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 It has been a long time since I have touched this story, and my decision to edit was to correct some of the very bad rookie mistakes. At its' basic form, the story has not changed because it was important to me to keep the story as true to the original idea as it can be. Therefore, this is not my best work, but it is the work of a very young person who loved to write.

I would really like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read over the past few years. I will be editing all of my existing works at some point, but please check out the sequels. This was one of the first stories I ever completed and though it may not be the best, it does hold a special place in my heart.

Also, everyone go and listen to the Hamilton soundtrack. It kept me sane while editing this story and I absolutely adore it.

And once again, a massive, massive thank you to anyone who has read this story!

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