Chapter 1

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 1

Another year at Hogwarts was beginning, though this would be no ordinary year. This would be the last year to sit in the Great Hall, to watch the sorting, to explore the grounds. This would be a year of endings and it had to be the best year yet.

It was the final day of a blisteringly hot August, something uncommon in England, and Remus John Lupin was finishing his packing. The next day he'd be headed to King's Cross to board the Hogwarts Express for his final year at Hogwarts. It would be a year of endings, but Remus also hoped it would be a year of new beginnings. After this year, he and all his friends- The Marauders- would be headed separate ways and though they would always see each other, it would never be as it was now. And then there was Lily. How would he find any sanity without his only sane best friend?

Remus loved his friends and he had always found the best of both worlds amongst them. The boys were always on hand to provide jokes and laughs and silliness, and Lily, though also funny and witty, could provide a more serious, thoughtful friendship.

As Remus tidied a final few miscellaneous knick-knacks into his trunk, he smiled to himself, thinking about how much he loved being at Hogwarts. As a werewolf, his transformations were never fun nor easy, but whilst at school, his friends took on their own animagus forms in a bid to relieve some of the struggles. Though he had met up with James during one transformation over the holidays, he knew it would be better when all four of the boys could roam around together.

"Remus?" Came his mother's voice from the foot of the staircase.
"Coming mother!" Remus called back.

He sighed before tucking a couple of chocolate bars into the top his trunk and slamming the lid. He couldn't wait to get back to school. Remus loved his parents and he welcomed the interval from constant work, lessons and examinations, but being an only child offered no company other than that of his parents. Holidays were always a lonely occasion for Remus.

Lily had two sisters at home, though one now lived with her husband. James and Sirius were now living together at the Potters' after Sirius' disownment and Remus couldn't help envy their bustling families. He thought he would prefer the hustle and bustle of a busy household to the librarian silence that seemed to hover constantly over his own home.

* * *

Remus cursed himself for packing so much stuff. Every year he promised himself that the trunk would be lighter, and therefore easier to manoeuvre but somehow it never happened. He cursed under his breath and he dragged the trunk down the hallway of the train, searching in vain for an empty compartment. He was ready to concede and just pick any random cabin when a hand grabbed his collar and dragged him into one compartment, pushing him onto one of the empty seats.

"Nice to see you too Padfoot." Said Remus, glaring daggers at Sirius who was fumbling with the former's trunk.
"Bloody hell Remus. Are you bringing the entirety of the Cadbury's factory with you?"

"You alright Moony?" Asked James.

"Good thanks, Prongs," Remus replied ignoring Sirius who was rifling through his chocolate supply. "How was your summer? What did you get up to?"
"Nothing much." Was James' reply.

"We threw the old sofa out onto the lawn and I accidentally set fire to it!" Sirius piped up. "It was awesome!"

Remus rolled his eyes. They could cause damage by breathing, he was sure of it. He noticed Peter's absence and as he glanced out the window, trying to locate his missing friend, he noticed Lily walking past. As James turned, he too saw Lily and he painted an arrogant smirk across his face.

Here we go, Remus thought.


Okay, several things!

First of all, I have changed the title of this story. It was once called 'Love That Let's Go', however, it is now called 'Moon Of My Life'. (10 points if you know where that's from!) I just feel like this title is a bit more fitting for this story.

Second, I am editing and changing some things in this story. I'm hoping not to deviate too drastically from the basic plot of the story, but I will be adding and removing things to improve the overall appearance of the story. The pacing was far too quick before, as I was much younger when this was first written, but I am aware that this is one of my most popular stories, and so I want it to be of some standard. So please feel free to read again, or you can stick to what you know! Up to you!

And finally, I am getting rid of the questions and songs and all the nonsense that was at the end of a chapter. I just feel like it's a tad juvenile and it makes me feel like the story is a bit of a game show, instead of a story. I just feel like it deviates too much from the story, so now it'll be all about the story, which hopefully will be much better!

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