Chapter 15

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Any scenes, characters and dialogue from the Harry Potter universe belong exclusively to JK Rowling.


Chapter 15

Months passed and Ivy and Remus were very happy with Daniel. Lily and James became his Godparents and life became idyllic. Ivy turned eighteen the January after Daniel was born and Remus turned eighteen in March. They were set to marry in the June of that year. Lily and James were getting married in the July and Alice and Frank in August.

*  *  *

It was June 22nd, 1979 and Ivy Evans was about to become Ivy Lupin. Ivy was sitting in her bedroom. The wedding was being held in the garden as the garden was quite large enough. Lily, Alice and Ivy were in Ivy's bedroom. Lily was using her muggle hair curlers to curl Ivy's hair. Ivy's hair was now done and she was getting into her dress. Her dress was beautiful. It was white, lace and covered with tulle and flowers. Lily and Alice were her maids of honour and they both had silver ball gowns, glistening like stars.

"Are you excited?" Alice gushed.
Ivy shrugged. "I am but I'm really nervous."
"Why? My wedding's nearly two months away and I can't wait." Alice said.

"Ivy. Are you ready?" Mrs Evans called up the stairs.
"Yes!" Ivy called in reply.
Mrs Evans hurried up the stairs and stopped at Ivy's bedroom door.
"You look beautiful dear!" Mrs Evans said, tears running down her cheeks.
"Thanks, Mum," Ivy said.
"You too Lily. And Alice." Mrs Evans said.

Lily and Alice smiled at her.
"Now let me give you a hug." Mrs Evans said, hugging Ivy tightly.
"Mum, please don't cry. You'll make me cry too." Ivy said.
She was smiling but tears were rolling down her cheeks.
"Only one good thing can come of you not living in our house anymore. I won't have to get used to you and Lily not being around because you haven't been there properly since you were eleven." Mrs Evans said.

Ivy nodded and smiled.
"Come on then. The ceremony will be starting soon." Mrs Evans said.
Ivy nodded and left the room, followed by Lily and Alice.
James stood at the foot of the stairs.
"Don't worry Ives. Remus is in the garden with his mother, freaking out." James told Ivy.
Ivy nodded and smiled.
"By the way, you look beautiful," James said.
Ivy smiled. "Thank you for your kind words oh dear brother."
"Well, technically I'm not your brother for another month but since you are such a cute little sister, I'll let it slide." James joked.
"Again with the little thing! I'm older that you!" Ivy shouted.

"Ives! Calm down." Lily told her.
"Sorry. I'm just really nervous. Perhaps you could do me a favour and tell James not to be an ignorant idiot just for today?" Ivy suggested.
"Awh, Ives that was harsh. You love me really." James said.
Ivy rolled her eyes. "I do, but stressing me out is really not a good idea today."
James nodded and mimed zipping his mouth up, locking it and throwing the key away.

"Hear that?" Ivy asked.
"What?" Lily asked.
"Exactly. Silence. About the only silence, I've heard in a long time." Ivy said, emphasising the word long.
James rolled his eyes and Ivy grinned at him.
"Thanks, James," Ivy said kissing his cheek.
James grinned and Ivy skipped out the front door. She stopped at the front of the house.

"Come on Daddy," Ivy called.
Mr Evans nodded and followed Ivy to the side of the house.
"Good luck Ives. Don't trip or anything." James said.
Ivy nodded and James hugged her tightly.
He then left to join Remus as he was Remus' best man.
"Don't worry Ives. Al and I are right behind you." Lily said.
Ivy nodded and concentrated on breathing properly.
"Come on Ives." Mr Evans said.
Ivy nodded and looped her arm through her father's. They walked in time to the music to the end of the 'aisle' that had been set up in the garden where Remus, James, Mr Lupin and Dumbledore, the officiant, stood.

"Thanks, Daddy," Ivy whispered.
Mr Evans smiled at her and went to sit in the front beside Mrs Evans. Ivy smiled and handed her flowers to Lily who, along with Alice and James went to sit in the front beside Mr and Mrs Evans and Mrs Lupin. Dumbledore spoke for a while, turning to Ivy.
"Ivy Evans. Do you take Remus to be your husband?"
Ivy nodded as the tears ran down her cheeks. "I do." She replied.
"Remus John Lupin. Do you take Ivy to be your wife?" Dumbledore asked Remus.
Remus nodded. "I do."
They then exchanged rings.

"You may now kiss the bride," Dumbledore said.
Ivy smiled and Remus kissed her softly.
Everyone clapped and Ivy couldn't stand it any longer. She started crying, tears running down her cheeks.

"Are you ok?" Remus asked, concern in his voice.
Ivy nodded. "Just happy is all."
Remus smiled. "Good. I'm glad you're happy."
Ivy smiled. "I've got you as a husband, Lily as a sister and James as a brother. I've got wonderful friends and we've got Daniel. What more could I ask for?"
"Don't you wish you had a husband who was rich? Someone who had more to offer you?" Remus asked.
Ivy shook her head. "I want a husband who loves me. A husband who can give me children and a home. A husband who I love. I know you love me. You've given me children and a home and I love you. You're perfect." Ivy said, kissing him gently.
Remus smiled. "Let's go and find our son."

Ivy nodded and the two walked hand in hand to find Daniel. Along the way, they were greeted by many congratulations. They finally found Lily in a deserted corner of the garden, swaying back and forth with Daniel. James had his arms wrapped around her shoulders and was swaying with her.
"This is a good look," Ivy said, grinning at her sister.
Lily rolled her eyes. "Maybe Daniel can have a cousin soon."
Ivy began jumping up and down clapping her hands. "Yay! Good for you Lils!"
Lily laughed. "Congratulations Ives. You too Remus."
Ivy hugged her sister. "Thank you, Lils."

Lily handed Daniel to Remus and hugged Ivy back.
"Congrats Ive," James said, hugging Ivy.
"Thanks, James," Ivy said. "Thanks for being a good brother."
"You know Ives. It's kind of weird. You're thanking James for being a good brother when technically; he's not your brother for another month." Remus said.
"I don't care. I'll always love him like my brother." Ivy said, clinging to James.
James laughed.

"Can I please have Daniel now? I haven't held him since last night!" Ivy protested.
Lily grinned and handed Daniel to Ivy. Ivy smiled and began talking in a very babyish voice. Remus watched his wife and his son with a mixture of adoration and fear on his face. He knew if he lived to be a hundred, he would never be able to tell them or show them how important they were to him. But at the same time, he was worried. What if he hurt one of them by accident? Or worse still. What if he killed them? He was happy he and Ivy were finally married but the anxiety inside him was even worse now. He couldn't face the fact that he himself might be the cause of the death of his wife and son.

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