Raise A Fist

186 10 2

You tried to not make a habit of getting into fights, and for the most part, you didn't. So as you limped back from a bar you wondered why you had just got kicked out of the said bar for causing one.

You winced as you touched the rather nasty cut on your forehead. That probably needed checking out, but medical was half way across campus. Leonard's quarters were just around the corner, though. Deciding that was probably the best option you made your way toward the right room through a rather drunken haze.

You manage to find the right door and knock on it rather noisily, instead of using the buzzer. The door came open and the sight of the doctor that was standing there, almost made you turn around right then.

"Y/N, what are you doing over here? I swear to god, people think they can come and wake me up in the middle of the night-" he must have noticed your face and paused for a moment, "What the hell happened to you? Jesus Christ, Y/N! What did you do!?"

You try to smile, but regret it when you feel your split lip open again, "Hi, umm, I'm no' really sure wha' I di'."

"Get in here," he growled, but some genuine concern in his voice.

You stumble inside and manage to sit down. Leonard was elsewhere in the room, pulling out a med kit, "You know, it's normally Jim who comes in the middle of the night and has me patch him up. Now, are you going to tell me what happened?"

"They were not nice people there, not very nice, but you're nice. I like you ya' know. Yeah, you're very nice, but sometimes you can be mean." you slur.

"You better shut up kid, you're probably going to regret whatever you're saying when you're sober," McCoy muttered as he began to clean out the cut on your forehead.

"Nope, I won' cause I think you're pretty, and the man at the bar was being mean, and saying bad things bout' you, so I punched him," you grin the best you can while your vision swims slightly.

"Wait you started a fight because of me?"


He began to run a tricorder over you, mumbling under his breath, "I don't even want to know, you're drunk, and Jim must be wearing off on you."

"Can I stay toni' please?" you ask as Leonard runs a regenerator over your lip, and the other cuts that are scattered here and there.

"Well, I can't send you back out can I?" he sighed.

"Okey-dokey, Bonesy."

"Please don't say that ever again Y/N."

You frowned, "Fine."

McCoy got up and rubbed his eyes, "I'll sleep on the couch, you can have my bed."

"It'll hel'me sleep if you lay with me."

Leonard huffed, "Alright, but you better not snore."

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