Teach Me?

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You had just finished a shift in sick bay, and were just back in your room when your comm beeped,  sighing you clicked it on, "This is, Y/N, what do you need?"

Jim's voice responded, "Y/N, sorry to bother you, but I wanted to tell you, senior staff will have to attend a speech, but it's also a formal dance," he paused, "I'm assuming your taken Spock as your plus one?"

You furrowed your brow, wondering why it mattered, "Yeah, why, is something wrong?"

You waited for the response, "No, of course not, but I just don't think Spock can dance."

You let your head fall against the wall, "Why does Starfleet like to torture me?"

The sound of Jim chuckling came, "Well, it's at the starbase where docking at tomorrow night," he paused again, "Hope it's enough time, Kirk out," You walked away and tried to figure out what you were going to do when Spock got back.

When the Vulcan did make it back from his shift, you were waiting on the bed, reading.

"Greetings, Y/N," His ever prompt voice came.

"Hey Spock, I don't know if Jim told you, but we have to attend an event tomorrow, and it requires dancing," you try to smile.

"Yes, the captain informed me, I was going to watch several instructional videos on how to appropriately dance," he replies.

"How about I teach you?" you offer.

"That would be satisfactory," he nods.

You stood up, "Well here goes nothing."

You pulled up a track of music, on your padd, before getting up nd walking over to Spock.

"Okay, your hands go here and here," you instruct him, as he timidly obeys, "Just relax."

It looks like he tries to, but still, he seemed stiff, "I do not understand this human custom."

You laugh and gently place your hands in the appropriate places. Gently you begin to lead Spock, hoping he would catch on. Several times he almost stumbled, stepping on the toes of your boots, apologizing. Eventually, he began to fall into the rhythm. 

"Okay, now you try to lead," you smile at him. He nods attempting to do so.

After an hour or so of practice, Spock seemed to understand what to do, and had stopped stepping on your toes, "Alright, I think you got the hang of it, you'll do fine," you say reaching your hand down to his, into a Vulcan kiss.

"Thank you, Y/N, that was much more helpful than a video," he says kissing your forehead.

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