Thought That Counts

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One week of uninterrupted relaxing, one week to spend with Pavel. You were staying at a small house a friend of yours had let you borrow for a place to stay over leave. Right now, you were wrapped up in blankets, ignoring the sunlight that was streaming through the window, and onto the bed. You sniffed the air, opening your eyes at the smell of something burning.

You sit up in bed, looking for the source of the smell. Noticing a certain Russian was not in the room, "Pavel!" you call.

Something loud fell downstairs and you jumped up, almost falling, looking around you grab robe that was draped over a chair by the window. You scurry down the stairs, the floor being rather cold under your feet. You skid into the kitchen, expecting to find a small explosion, and or an alien. Instead, you found your boyfriend, Pavel, covered pretty much head to toe in flour and something black sizzling in a pan.

"Umm, Pavel?" you question.

"Oh! Y/N, I vas, trying to make breakfast!" He proclaimed slightly flustered.

"Okay, well, what were you trying to make exactly?" you smile.

"Pancakes!" he beamed.

You snorted, "Do I want to know what happened with the flour?"

He nodded, the curls f hair on his head bouncing, "Vell, ven I vas trying to get it down, it fell,"

"How about you go take a shower, and I'll try to clean up a little here?" you suggest. 

"Yes, that vould be a good idea," he smiled sheepishly, "I'm sorry for making a mess Y/N, I just vanted to do something for you,"

You leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, "It's the thought that counts,"

He might have blushed, it was hard to tell with the flour everywhere, before skipping off into the shower, you groaned when you noticed the trail of white dust he was leaving.

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