Just Not Again

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Pavel was a good friend you thought, as he handed you another tissue. Nyota had her arm around you as you blew your nose again, whipping at your eyes.

"Y/N, I can have Spock hack his test scores for you?" she tried to cheer you up.

You manage a watery smile, "Thanks, but an F on a test won't phase him."

Chekov made a humph sound, "Zat is hardly enough."

Jim and you had gotten into an argument, something silly that had escalated, and ended in tears.

You sighed and looked at Pavel who had come back from the small kitchen balancing three plates of pizza. 

"Thanks, Pavel," both you and Uhura say.

Nyota flipped on the TV and searched for something to watch. A few minutes later the door beeped. 

"It better not be him," Nyota growls, hopping up to see who it was. When the door opened it revealed Bones, looking rather frazzled. 

"Y/N, I heard about you and Jim, but he just got transferred to the hospital," he paused to take a breath, "It's pretty bad, he got himself drunk than crashed his bike."

Nyota looks at you, suddenly you forget, whatever you had been mad at him for and where at the door. The hospital wasn't that far away, but the rather chilly breeze and overcast sky made it seem longer as Chekov and Uhura hurried along with you, Leonard leading.

At the front desk, McCoy says something to the attendant who nods and you follow him back to a room. Inside on the bed was Jim, asleep with a nasty cut yet to be healed on his forehead and the rest of his body covered with a blanket the top of the medical gown sticking out, you rush over.

"I can wake him up if you want?" Leonard asks. 

You nod and he presses a hypo to his neck. Jim makes a small noise and his blue eyes blink slowly.

"Y/N?" he winces.

"Yeah, it's me." you try to calm down knowing that he is in more than capable hands. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N Is shouldn't have-" he starts.

"It's okay, just don't ever do this again."

"No promises," he smiles.

You can't help but smile back.

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