Captian of a Starship

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Running a ship is hard, managing a crew is harder. In the end, the splitting headaches and the lack of sleep was worth it, being able to proudly look on your crew and ship after a mission.

In the meantime, it could be a pain. Reaching down you click the comm on, "Commander Kirk, please report to the bridge thank you."

You sigh and turn to survey the bridge, Sulu and Chekov are seated at their stations watching the view screen. Mr. Spock is bent over his science station and Uhura, has her earpiece in while looking at a view screen. Several other ensigns wait at their posts.

The turbo lift swishes open and Kirk sets out, "Captain Y/N"

You smile, "Do you mind taking over, I think I'm going to swing by med bay."

"Of course Captain." You smile again and make your way toward the turbo lift.


"Bones! Stop it!" You yell as he jabs you with a hypo spray.

He grumbles something about stubborn captains and not listening to anything.

"You  aren't getting near enough sleep or eating, you can't live off of coffee. Honestly."

"Bones I just want something for a headache not a lecture on my health."

More growling follows and he stomps off to go find something for a headache. You rub your eyes and breath out trying to straighten out your thoughts. Maybe if you just close your eyes, for just a minute. A comfortable blackness settles around you.

As you wake up you feel warm and comfortable more rested than you have been in weeks. How long were you asleep? Surely no more than five minutes, then where is Bones? Slowly you sit up, "Well if it isn't sleeping beauty."

"Mmm, what? Bones how long was I out, ten minutes? Please tell me it was no longer than 10 minutes."

McCoy snorts, "10 minutes? Try about 13 hours."

"What! Wait, my shifts, are you joking? " you growl.

McCoy looks at you as if trying to figure what you're mad about, "Y/N, I don't know what you thought you were doing, your scans showed that you hadn't slept in at least three days and that you had eaten or drank next to nothing!"

You sigh and look at him trying to think of a good excuse for this one.

"Well, I'm sorry, but can I go now I can't believe I missed my shift I'm the captain for god's sake!"

As you rise up he pushes you back down. "Oh, no you don't, I'm not letting you walk away from this one."

You roll your eyes but relies your not getting out of this one.

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