Merry Christmas!

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When you woke up, it took a moment to realize like that it was Christmas morning back on Earth. You rolled over and dug your face in the pillow, time on starship didn't seem to match up with your internal clock. Maybe for Christmas, Jim would just let you sleep in.

On this note your comm beeped rather frantically, trying to draw attention to its self. You made a noise enough like a growl and snatched it off the table.

You recognized the beeping as a call from the Captain, "Jim, how about since it's Christmas, you don't wake me up an hour before my shift starts!"

"Y/N! I know it Christmas so get up! Come on up to the bridge!" He sounded way to excited and it was too early. You groggily got up and pulled on your inform struggling with the boots for a moment. You stumbled over to the mirror and fixed your hair into a decent shape for the moment. As you left the door swished closed behind you.

You made your way to the turbo lift, only to find a strange lack of crew members circulating in the hallways. 

"Bridge." You reply curtly to the turbo lift.

As the door came open again you came face to face with none other than a certain Captain that had called you to the bridge. You were just in time to connect one with one when you saw the sprig of green leaves in his hand.

You ducked under his arm as he came forward slipping behind him, "Oh come on Y/N! That's no fair!" He grumbled you noticed the rest of the bridge was almost empty except for Spock, Bones, Pavel, and a rather tired looking Scotty.

Spock shifted on his feet a tiny green flush spread to his cheeks, if you didn't know better you would say a blush? Then you burst out laughing, realizing you were the only one yet to escape Jim, 'honoring a tradition' Soon the bridge was filled with laughter except for Spock, considering Jim had happily skipped over and forced a Santa hat onto him, despite the Vulcan trying to push him off. 

That evening the bridge crew crowded around a large table in the mess hall, it was much later and the rest of the crew had already enjoyed their dinner. Everyone was enjoying a dish they liked, you had settled on (Favorite Meal) and were digging in. Jim who was sitting on your right leaned in and planted a kiss on your cheek, causing you to squeak.


"Got ya!"

The tables chatter increased when Scotty suggested, "How bout a wee bit a scotch?" 

An hour or so later Sulu was passed out leaning against a rather red faced Chekov, Spock had forgone the drinks and Uhura had sampled a little bit. Everyone made there way back to their quarters once they had roused Hikaru. 

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