Stay the Night

212 6 0

You had finally gotten back to your room after a long day of classes. Sighing, you decided a nice shower would be good, as you made your way toward the bathroom. Turning on the sonic after you change out of your cadet uniform, you close your eyes and let the day wash off you.

By the time you pull yourself out and change, it was getting late. You find something comfortable to wear and grab some of your homework, before propping yourself up on some of the pillows on the small bed. You look down at the star chart when your door opened. 

You knew it was Jim, he was the only one that knew your room code, "Jim, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," the Kirk said, coming further into the room, "Do you mind if I spend the night?"

"Sure," you smile.

He strips down to his undershirt and crawls up next to you in bed. You notice a scratch on his cheek, "Did you get into a fight?"

"No, combat training I didn't get out of the way fast enough."

"Oh, do you want anything for it, I probably have something in the bathroom," you say concerned.

"No, I'm fine," he mumbles laying his head in your lap.

You pick up the padd you had beside you and begin to read. Absentmindedly your fingers find your way to Jim's hair. You stroke the blond mess of hair, and Jim made a small satisfied sound, that made you smile.

"Long day?" you ask.

"You have no idea," came the reply.

"Oh? Try me," you joked.

"Well, I have half a dozen essays due, like a million projects, and I'm going to retake the Kobayashi Maru next week, plus I have hours of homework," he groaned.

"So you decided to come to my room and lay here would help?" you teased.

"Pretty much," he remarked. 

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