I Was Only Gone Two Days

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The away mission that you had volunteered for, included camping, it was nice to relax outside for a little while, watching the twin suns set into the tree line. You were having a nice conversation with Jim, when you padd that you had been holding beeped, again, you groaned, "Hold on, give me a sec," you looked down at the tablet signing another message from Leonard.

Bones- Y/N, is everything okay?

You reluctantly typed a response, Bones, I'm fine, you don't need to check in every five minutes.

Once you had sent it, you turned it off and stuffed it into your bag, "Sorry Jim, what were you saying?"

Jim grinned, "Bones worried about you?"

You laughed, "Yeah, he worries every time I set foot off the ship, and when I'm on it most of the time too." 

Jim smiled, "I know how he can be."

You lifted an eyebrow, "I think you need more of that, your can be rather reckless."

Jim shrugged, "We should get some sleep."

You nodded and flopped down in your sleeping bag, watching the fire begin to die out.

The next morning you packed up and beamed up to the ship. When you got back Jim went to the bridge and the rest of the away team dispersed. You decided to head to the med bay to see Bones. 

When you got there, you found Bones in his office asleep on his desk. You walked over and knelt down beside him, "Bones, hey, Bones wake up sweety," you rubbed his back.

He raised his head off the desk, hair mussed up, "Hmm?"

"Hey Bones, I'm back," you smile.

"Y/N, I missed you," he said turning to hug you.

"Leonard, I was gone for two days!" you pause, "Please tell me you got some sleep!"

You looked at his face a sheepish look appearing there, "Bones, you can't work for two days straight!" 

"I didn't, I took a nap," he said, attempting to defend himself.

"I've got an idea, how about we spend the next two days in our quarters, doing whatever we want?" you offer.

"What about our shifts?" Bones asks.

"Jim owes me a favor,"  you giggle.

He nods, and you take his hand and tug him out the door back to your quarters.

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