It'll be Okay

354 5 0

You stared down at the PADD in front of you, knowing that if you put off the report for another ten minutes your shift would be over. You felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped slightly before realizing it was your boyfriend Spock. You stretched slightly in your chair.

"Y/N, if you put writing the report off longer, you will have to do it in your spare time." He says lifting an eyebrow.

You smile and sigh, "I'm just tired is all, can't focus."

He nods and turns back to go toward his station. Just then your PADD beeps, looking down you see it's from Star Fleet, you open up the attached message and read;

Greetings Commander Y/L/N,

This message has been sent to inform that Mr. (Fathers full name) and Mrs.  (Mothers Full name), were in a shuttle  accident and were admitted to Star Fleet Medical at 0826 this morning, but unfortunately, have both passed away. 

                                                      Condolences- Star Fleet

You stare blankly at the screen, not believing what you have just read. You stand and look at Jim, holding back the inevitable tide of tears for as long as possible.

"Captian, permission to be momentarily relieved of duty." It was more of a statement than a question as you turn and step into the turbo lift, ignoring Kirk's questions. The doors close and you slide down the wall, bitter sobs racking you. You reach up and stop the lift before it will reach its destination. A few minutes later you shakily stand up, still sobbing and unlock the turbo lift, you vaguely remember hearing the doors slide open, and running, body in auto pilot, running past people and making it to your quarters and locking the doors behind you. Reaching the bed you curl up and try to blot out everything else, dragging a blanket around you tightly. 

You could have been there for an hour or no more than ten minutes, it didn't matter. Your life had just been turned on your head and shaken for good measure. The door whooshes open, and the bitter white light flows into the room tackling the shadows around you. It closes leaving the comfortable darkness to creep back to you.

A soft voice filters through the suffocating fog around you, "T'hy'la?"

You sniffle, but don't make a move to roll over. "Y/N what is wrong."

You sob again and fell Spock stroking the hair out of your face, "Y/N, may I join minds with you?" 

You nod in acceptance of his offer, you feel his slightly cooler hands on your face. 

You have melded together before, and the familiar feeling of a second conscience is a welcome warmth. You feel Spock drift deeper, closer to you. Slowly you reach out and touch. You bring up a memory of the message and sense his understanding. A warm flood of reassurance drifts toward you. For a few minutes, it remains and then slowly his mind draws back and out of yours.

You blink and feel Spock gently drawing you up into a hug, which you accept and let yourself rest gently, falling to sleep. Spock waited several minutes, after you fall asleep, before gently setting you down and rising up off the bed before going to to the comm panel on the wall.

"Captian this is Spock."

"Spock, what happened to Y/N? Is she okay?"

"She is physically unhurt, I believe it i a personal matter, that she will discuss with you."

"Alright, tell her I'm here if she wants to talk."


"Captian, also would it be suitable to have the next shift off, I believe she needs some time."

"Of course"

"Spock out."

Spock picked up a tablet and began to work on a report while sitting next to you on the bed.

When you woke up, the shock of yesterday immediately grabbed you tearing your focus from all else. You felt the tears begin to roll down your cheeks again. You noticed Spock sitting next to you. 

You sat up, "I-I its-its just I can't bel-belive it."

Spock moved closer to you, "I understand," he hugged you again.

"Jim said that if you wish you can talk to him, although I did not tell him what happened."

You nod still trying to process. 

"Do you want Jim him to come down, he will be off his shift."


Five minutes later you and Spock had moved to the couch and were awaiting Jim's arrival. A ring from the door, prompted Spock, "Come in."

Jim opened the door and saw Spock and you on the couch, he came in slowly and sat down beside you, but still facing you. 

He waited, letting you start, "Yesterday my parents," you felt another tear find it's way down your cheek, "There dead."

Jim doesn't hesitate in hugging you, he had always been like a big brother to you. After a minute he draws back, "Y/N I'm so sorry."

The rest of the crew is your family, and with there support, wich you know you will have, it might just be okay.


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