You Choose

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You were so ready for a break, between diplomatic missions, abiding by treaties, dealing with Romulans, all could squeeze together and choke out any time for relaxing. So Sulu had suggested a movie night for the bridge crew.

He probably didn't realize the arguments that would happen.

Jim tried to push Bones off of where he was perched on the arm of the couch,  "No, Bones that movie was horrible!"

"Was not!" Leonard snapped

"Captain-" Spock started.

"Spock were off duty! Jesus, how many time do I have to tell you, call me Jim!"

"Jim, there was a recent documentary formulated off a research paper, on Klingon speech patterns," Spock suggested.

You laughed, "Spock we want to want to not think about Klingons right now."

He nods, then Hikaru jumps in, "How about Lord of The Rings?"

"That is so old!" Pavel frowns.

"You know that movie, that the Andorians made, heard it was good!" You try.

"Lassy that movie was a wee bit boring." Scotty sighs.

"How about that old Earth show think it was called Sherlock?" Uhura says.

Finally, everyone agrees,  after some digging around in the archives it's running as everybody settles in, the first plot twist caught everyone off guard, so did the second.

"But-but," Pavel splutters after watching the Reichenbach Fall. 

Finally, everyone is too tired to continue, despite the massive cliff hanger. The assembled crew shuffles off to fall asleep in different parts of Jim's large captains quarters.  

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