Since you Mentioned it

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You were slightly nervous, scratch that extremely nervous today was the day you had decided to tell your older brother Leonard McCoy, that you were dating Pavel. Also, you planned to tell the captain, and hope that you got to keep your position. 

Pavel sat up in bed behind you stretching, "Y/N, what is vrong?"

"I'm just nervous," you say turning around to face him. 

"It's okay." He smiles, you kiss his nose and giggle pulling yourself up off the bed. He falls back onto the bed and wraps himself up into a burrito of blankets.

"Come on get up! I promised Jim to meet him at 0700!" You say pulling on your uniform and pulling at your hair.

 He grumbles something in Russian before rolling out of bed and into the bathroom. He comes onto a few minutes later, dressed and his hair reasonably tamed, you bounce on the balls of your feet at the door. He hugs you and you relax a little.

You walk to the observation deck on the same deck, nodding to a few crew members. The observation deck is empty except for two figures sitting on a couch near the large window. You pause and remembered Jim saying that it could be private.

As you get closer you realize that it's your brother Leonard, well might as well get it done all at once. You swallow but decide against looking for Pavel for support as you haven't told them yet. Sitting down on the couch opposite them and shift, seeing that Jim and Bones look just uncomfortable, why was Bones hear in the first place?

"So..." you and Jim both say at once. You both chuckle still rather awkwardly.

"You first." you tell Jim.

"So, umm I know you called me here to talk, but I need to tell you something also, and since your my first officer well..." he shifts again and scoots closer to his CMO, "I, ugh I'm dating Bones." 

It all came out rather fast as he takes the doctors hand and moves close enough to touch their shoulders together.

You are rather shocked, but still manage to force out you own statement, "Well I'm dating Pavel." It too came out so fast you wonder if either of them understood. Pavel mirrors Jim and moves closer to you.

"Well then," Bones says eyeing his little sister. 

"How long you?" you ask.

"Six months," Bones blurts out.

"How about you two?" he questions.

"It's been about four months." Pavel supplies.

Everyone busts out laughing at the fact that this whole thing as been going on this long. After a few minutes, everyone stands up but you pull Jim aside and in the background, you see Bones do the same to Pavel.

"Jim, captain of this ship or not, if you ever hurt my brother I will kill you." Jim looks rather worried as you put it plainly.

He nods then you smile and hug him feeling him relax a little. Looking over your shoulder you see Pavel look rather horrified as your big brother walks away and you can only imagine what was said.

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