For You

201 8 0

Relieved that your shift was finally over, you wander through the corridors of the ship, to Jim's quarters. Maybe you could go to the gym with him, or have a nice lunch? Time off was scarce and, you knew Jim was getting back from an away mission soon. Absentmindedly you open the doors and slip inside, giving you eyes a moment to adjust to the dim light.

You can make out a shape on the bed, "Jim, sweetheart is that you?"

"Yeah," was the only quiet response.

"I thought you had a diplomatic conference?" you ask slightly confused. 

"I did," he said rolling down into the bed into a fetal position.

You sit down at his feet, worried that Jim wasn't bouncing off walls like he normally was before a day off, "Whats wrong?"

A heavy sigh came from the man on the bed, "I don't want to talk about it."

You reach down and hug Jim, ending up half on top of him in the process, "I'm here if you need me"

He sighed again and sat up, causing you to slid half off of him. He rubbed his eyes, you notice he looked tired and beaten down. You hug him again, this time pulling him to face you, you feel his cautious arms snake around you, letting his head rest in the crook of your neck.

You gently rub little circles on his back, one hand on the back of his neck, you knew what had probably happened, he often got like this if a crew member was killed, you knew he would beat himself up about it, no matter who's fault it was.

After a few minutes, you shift, "I'll be right back, stay here, okay?"

He nodded, you padded over to the replicator and punch in a code, before retrieving the two cups of ice cream that had materialized below. You grab two spoons and walk back over to the bed, presenting the offering.

Jim smiled a little, the corner of his mouth flicking up, "Thanks, Y/N."

"Your welcome, now I say we make a pillow fort, eat ice cream and watch your favorite movie, sound good?"

He smiled again, this time, a little bit bigger.

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