Your Ship or Crew

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A choice no Captain wants to face is a no-win scenario. Jim Kirk happened to not believe in them, although right now, his theory would be tested.  Staring down the barrel of a Klingon bird of prey and with a skeleton crew, no shields, hope was slim. The Enterprise had dropped off her crew and was limping to a repair starbase to be patched up after her most recent episode with unfriendly space.

The voice that came over the comm was sharp and to the point, "Captain Kirk, you will surrender your ship or your crew, refusal will lead to your destruction."

You shift defensively beside the captain's chair hand gripping each other behind your back, to keep them from forming fists at your side.

Spock looks at Jim waiting for his orders, Uhura looks expectantly at Jim, earpiece firmly lodged into her ear, Chekov squirms in his seat next to the helmsmen.

"Captain D'krem, I assure you we did not mean to cross your border, it was a navigational error caused by the recent ion storm-"

He was cut off with a sharp reply, "No excuses Kirk!"

The young captain took a deep breath, "Please, let my meet with you, on your terms to discuss this, neither of us should make rash choices."

"This may be acceptable, you and your first officer  and one other crew member of your choice will beam over, now to our ship." The line cut off.

Spock broke the silence, "Captain It is illogical-"

"Spock not now. Your coming." He snapped.

"Y/N, Spock now, they can blow us down, we have no shields working."

You and Spock promptly follow him to the transporter room. Scotty was there giving the captain I look that showed that there was nothing to be done. The transporter coordinates from D'krem were entered into the panel and the glow of the transporter beam enveloped them.

Perhaps being disoriented by the transporter led to the Klingons getting the advantage, whatever it was, someone ruffly grabbed you hauling you kicking and spitting off the pad, along with Jim, Spock who still held his head rather proudly, not resisting, but not helping either. The warriors spoke to each other before dragging you to the bridge. The older Captain spun in his seat, looking over his prizes.

"The mighty James T. Kirk," he spat.

"From what I have heard, his strong-willed first officer, and Vulcan half-breed." He finished.

Spock stiffened at the use of 'half-breed' but kept his face stoic. 

"D'krem, let me go!" Kirk accented with another twist of his body.

"HA! You think you will slip my fingers that easily!" he then focused his attention to the three holding them, "Put them in the brig, alive, but you needn't be gentle." he smirked.

The men seemed to want to take out their anger on Jim, he receiving most of the brutal beating. You grimaced as they struck out again at him, having to be held, otherwise, his knees would buckle. The split on your lip oozed warm blood down your chin and the swelling from multiple blows setting in. Spock had green blood drying on his cheek where it was cut be a particle forceful blow, and a tear in his uniform.

Jim's unfirm was torn in several places when they were finished with him, you had found out the hard way not to call out to help Jim, else they would beat him harder laughing. The Klingon's laughed again and threw you all into the brig. 

Jim made a broken whimper, as you gently as possible rolled him onto his back. Looking around, Spock had found a small medical kit, rather dirty looking but still hopefully functional. Inside was a rather disappointing array of items but it was still something, a small bottle of what you hoped was disinfectant,  and white bandages. Spock had to hold Jim's head steady, because the disinfectant must have stung, judging by the short jerky movements of Kirk's head. You patched up what you could, and having only basic knowledge of medical care, and Spock who helped with the more difficult cuts. 

Back on the Enterprise, Scotty's head shot up so fast from under the console he had been wrestling with from underneath that he hit his head squarely on the bottom edge. Displaying a rather large vocabulary he pulled himself up and ran toward the lift. The comm was still down after a test fire from the opposing shift that had happened ten minutes ago, Damn Klingons he thought as the lift swung open. 

The form of the acting captain was shown as he turned, "Sulu! weapons and shields back online, ready on your command." he waited a second, "transporters can only take one person at a time, though."

Perhaps it was the arrogance of a seasoned warrior, but the shields of the bird were down, whatever it was it was a blessing for Hikaru Sulu, hopefully, Scotty could get the Jim, Spock, and Y/N, back before they shot the ship into a million pieces. 

You waited patiently by the unconscious form of your Captain while Spock combed through the cell for means of escape. Then a small miracle happened, make it a large one, the warmth of a transporter beam clawed at you, you made a small noise of surprise, drawing Spock's attention. He stepped near the captain as your from dissolved next was his, despite the fact he wished it could have been Jim. The door burst open reviewing a guard, lunging for the cell as Spock too was swept up in the beam.

The Klingons didn't have time to raise shields, under estimating their prey and now they would pay its wrath. Chapel and Bones came flying into the transporter room as a voice crackled over the still damaged comm system, "We got them!" It really could have been about the fact that they just blew up a bird of prey, or saved their senior officers, but it didn't really matter to you as you helped McCoy carry the limp form of Kirk to the med bay. Chapel's long strides keeping pace as she scanned him.

Two days later Jim was still in sick bay, Leonard refusing to allow him on duty yet, (This did not stop him from leaving his biobed and scaring the crap out of McCoy every five minutes). 

You walked in as the ship was around an hour away from dock in time to hear, "God dammit Jim! Stop overriding the codes!" from the CMO. 

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