I Missed You

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If you asked James T. Kirk how many times a landing party had went completely right, he probably couldn't tell you. Spock could though, and the numbers weren't very high. You were stranded on a planet, alone. It had what seemed like days ago, but had probably been a no more than 12 hours. You were pretty sure your arm was broken. The cave you had crawled into was out of the wind, but there was nothing on the rather desolate planet. Some scrubby looking plants, harsh wind and what appeared to be a village a half a mile or so away. You had, a broken communicator, two and half emergency ration packs a crushed phaser and an emergency blanket.

The temperature seemed to drop as the sun worked it's way down over the rocky surface of the planet, the thin insulted blanket, keeping you partially warm. Your arm was strung up in a makeshift cast, made from a vine like plant adorning the caves entrance, a small trickle of water, proved to be the only you could find in the cave and surrounding area. You looked down at the communicator on your lap before deciding to try again. Pushing your self up against the wall of the cave, and wincing as your arm shifted. 

You stumbled outside, clicking the comm button again, "This is Commander Y/N to Enterprise, come in Enterprise." Waiting a moment you decide to continue, even if no one is listening, because maybe they where.

"We were attacked, by a large animal while scouting the mountainside for possible traces of useful elements, I was pushed off the ledge, my arm is broken. I assume the rest of the party is back safely, at least I hope so. The cave were I am might be blocking the comm, or beam attempts, but for now I think I should stay here, the wind is picking up again." you pause, "If any one is listing, may I speak to Doctor McCoy privately? Or if I'm talking to no one we won't have to worry about that I guess, but I think you should be receiving this, even if we can't talk back in forth. Just a theory."

On the Enterprise-

Bones was worried. Very worried, his girlfriend Y/N was stuck on a planet, and was most likely injured. Jim was doing all he could, but this didn't stop him from pacing and muttering and driving everyone crazy. Even Spock, who had told him to leave the bridge and get some rest. 

That's when the the message came, "We were attacked, by a large animal while scouting the mountainside for possible traces of useful elements, I was pushed off the ledge, my arm is broken. I assume the rest of the party is back safely, at least I hope so. The cave were I am might be blocking the comm, or beam attempts, but for now I think I should stay here, the wind is picking up again. If any one is listing, may I speak to Doctor McCoy privately? Or if I'm talking to no one we won't have to worry about that I guess, but I think you should be receiving this, even if we can't talk back in forth. Just a theory." McCoy was up to the bridge once Kirk told him in a flash. 

"Bones, Y/N wants to speak with you, I can put it in my ready room." Bones nodded at Jim felling tears well up in his eyes, but pushing them back. 

In the Captains ready room your voice filtered through the speakers to the lone occupant, "Hey Bones, Um, I hope I'm not talking to the whole bridge right now, or at least not to myself. So, I guess if your there you heard what happened. I'm okay right now, but I miss you. I know Jim will figure something out, so don't worry to much." A small laugh came form the speakers, then a intake of breath like it had hurt, "I just want you to know, I love you, okay?" Bone found himself nodding even if no one could see him. "I think I'm gonna go now, I hope I can come back soon, love you." 

Bones was not one to find himself crying alone in a room, but here he was, silently letting tears trickle down his face. Jim must have known that the comm had ended and come in at some point, he did not expect to find his CMO crying at the table, but he didn't demand explanation, instead he sat by McCoy and gently put an arm around his solders. Waiting until he stopped crying rather unsure of what to do at this point.

"Hey, Bones" He said in a soft voice. "I think we can get her back tomorrow, once this storm has cleared up." he stopped unsure of how to go about this. "What did Y/N want to talk to you about?" 

Wrong question tears came again and Jim tried to back track, "Never mind, It's okay."

Bones took a shaky breath, "No it-it-its, she wanted to tell you together, after sh-she got back. We-we've been dating for a-a few months now." He said tears slowing down.

Jim for once in his life was at a loss for words, he prided himself for noticing most things that went on in his ship, did he really miss that for two months? "Really? I, umm, wow I didn't notice." 

"She did't want one of us to have to transfer, so we decided to wait a little while before telling you." Leonard's voice cut through Jim's thoughts. 

"Bones, I promise you I will get her back, you hear me?"

He nodded slowly, "You should get some rest, I'll tell you if anything comes up." Bones nodded again and stood making his way toward the door.

Back on the surface.

It was to damned cold. Very cold. Extremely cold. The small blanket wasn't doing much now, you had eaten half a ration pack, not that hungry all in all. Assuming  you had tried to sleep for about six hours, it was most likely approaching one day on this stupid planet. You had been sitting outside in the cold for a half an hour hopping a transporter might lock on to you. Minutes ticked by and you felt very tired blinking heavy eyelids you might have fallen asleep, or passed out from extreme cold, or just imagined it all and where still awake. 

Then the best thing that could happen, well it happened the tendrils of   a transporter raped themselves around you. The transporter room was had a medical team in it, and your boyfriend, who of course was the lead doctor waiting for you. He looked almost as tired as you. It was all a bit of a blur after that someone helping you walk to med bay a bio-bed, lots of hypo's and then finally sleep.

You awoke to a pleasant sensation of warmth and security. A blanket was pulled up around you, a medical gown replaced the torn uniform of earlier. Bones was on a chair beside you holding your hand and staring at you with worry.

"Bones?" you ask.

"It's okay darling, I'm here."

You can't help, but smile, because everything turned out okay in the end.

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