Shore Leave

765 11 2

Quick note, the reader is the first officer and Spock  is third in command and chief science officer, all other characters have the same rank.

              All in all shore leave was good, you had invited Scotty, Jim, Uhura, Bones, Hikaru, Pavel, Spock to a house you had in    Maine, it was still practically untouched just a few cabins scarred about in some undeveloped woods near a bay that opened into the ocean. It had been your parents house, but neither of them was there right now. Every one had piled into a hover car and stuffed into the two back seats. The constant griping over who would drive and sit shotgun was won out by you since you knew how to get there, and Bones had said the back seat made him claustrophobic, and he would vomit on someone, so that was settled.

             A rather long drive latter everyone piled out of the cramped car and stumbled up to the door. Once everyone is inside bags are thrown in rooms and arguments of who is sharing a room with who, since there where eight people, a king sized bed two queens, a couch (which was not very comfortable) and a pull out. Spock and Uhura took the queen bed, Chekov and Sulu the pull out, Kirk and Scotty the king, that left you and Bones on a Queen bed. After a quick vote it was decided to go down to the bay below the house to wade in the water.bathing suits where donned and you raced Jim down to the water he beat you only after you almost tripped over a root on the way down.

       Spock said the water was cold and being Vulcan preferred warmer water Uhura sat with him on a big rock. Pavel jumped straight in splashing Sulu as he was caught in the splash zone. Scotty waded in a little and Jim dived of of rocks and tried to disrupt you as you floated around in the water. Bones looked on disapprovingly muttering something about crazy idiots that where going to get sick be swimming in freezing water, and yelling that he was a doctor not a swimmer as you tried (unsuccessfully) to drag him in with you. Once it began to get a dark everyone hiked up the hill to rinse off in the showers (Pavel beat everyone and got to go first). You all decided to watch a movie and dragged out blankets and pillows to the main room to watch the old movie An Affair to Remember and ended up all falling asleep in the pile of blankets and pillows in the on the floor. This would be a good shore leave.

If anyone has suggestions or ideas I will try to do them. :-)


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