Better Before You Know It

233 5 1

Note to self- don't fall off any more cliffs.

Maybe that was just common sense, but it did hurt. Seismic activity had caused the ground beneath your feet to heave up, and you stumbled over the side plummeting twenty feet to the rocky ground. You felt the falling sensation, and then something very, hard then just black. 

When you woke up, you felt heavy, like a bag stuffed full of rocks. Blearily you blinked, trying to figure out what had happened. The bright lights of med bay seemed like small suns blaring at you. You groaned trying to shift, but hearing a familiar voice, "Congratulations on beating the records for most bones broken in one go," Bones called sarcastically. 

"Mmm? Wha'" you slur.

Bones' face appears over yours, tricorder blinking, "You fell twenty some feet, broke one leg fractured an arm in seven places, cracked half your ribs, almost punctured a lung on one of them, internal bleeding, and a nasty concussion."

"It hur'" you squeeze your eyes shut.

"The regenerators are charging, but you'll be sore for a few days," he informs you.

"Wheres Pavel?" you manage to say.

"Waiting outside, can't run him off, he needs sleep," Leonard mutters.

"Lemme' see im'" you sigh, "Please?"

"Fine, as long as you tell him to go to bed afterward," he paused, "Deal?"

"Deal," you nod.

When his footsteps fade, you try to push yourself up, ignoring the pain flaring up everywhere, only managing to pull your shoulders onto the pillow a bit more. When you hear the patter of quick footsteps you look up, trying to smile, "Pavel!"

"Y/N, are you okay? Y/N, I vas vorried, are you alright?" he says worry all over his face.

"M' fine, just a couple bruises s' all," you smile weakly.

"Yeah, I couple of bruises my-" Bones yells from across the sick bay before you cut him off, "Can I go to my quarters?"

"No! You just woke up!" he growls.

Pavel reaches down and squeezes your hand gently, still looking worried, "Really Pavel, I'll be fine," you try to reassure him. 

He nods, crouching down and kissing your forehead. Bones talks over wielding a hypo, "Alright, you two love birds,"

You cringe slightly as the familer hiss and sting on the side of your neck, "I'll be back before you know it, don't worry, and get some sleep," you smile agian at Chekov.

"Okay, Y/N, I vill, I love you,"

"Love you to Pavel," you grin.

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