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Crack. The final rock falls.

Pinkie Pie and Zecora help the others through the gap.

They hardly make it through to the other side when the magical aura blocking the entrance fall.

Queen Celestia steps through, seething at being tricked.

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" she asks.

"We have the elements of harmony!" yells Rainbow Dash.

"Nopony can beat that," adds Trixie.

"Oh, and where are they? I only see five of the ponies, and none of the objects themselves."

The alicorn starts laughing.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, what do you make of the situation? Perhaps you could write me a friendship letter?"


Celestia stops abruptly. Twilight steps forward, wings spreading, horn lighting.

"No, Celestia. I am no longer your student. You should not have tricked me."

She looks up. "It will be your final mistake, teacher of mine."


Twilight stops, and looks around.

"Trust it," whispers Pinkie.

"What? Are you scared?" Celestia grins. "I am the Queen of this land. Not you, Sparkle."

Twilight, remember Nightmare Moon.

"What did you do to Luna?" Twilight yells.

That's not what I meant. Remember the elements.

Twilight stands still, thinking.

"Luna? What do you care of her?"

"Oh, Eeeveereett..." A sugarcoated voice.

"Oh, Eeveereett... What has this Sun god done to you? We can't be having that now..."

A soulless chuckle resounds as the ponies twist around.

"Can we?"

An enchantment, seeing through enchantments, seeing past the veil of power, seeing through past and future...

Twilight smiles and faces Celestia.

"There are no objects..."

The mountaintop is enveloped in the strongest magic of all: a magic frowned upon and laughed at by all the villains, all the readers, all the narrators...

And yet, friendship and harmony shall always prevail.

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