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"Have you got any problems, conundrums, posers, puzzles, riddles, enigmas, hitches, complications, difficulties, snags, worries, drawbacks, troubles, doubts, qualms, uncertainties, reservations, fears, suspicions, concerns, apprehensions, predicaments, plights, dilemmas, quandaries, scrapes, distresses, impasses, stalemates, standoffs, deadlocks, gridlocks, checkmates, fixes, jams, Catch-22s, pickles, tight-spots, bottle-necks, misgivings, hesitations, questions, queries, inquiries, enquiries, interrogations, requests, reviews, surveys, or aaaaaaaaaaaaanything else, that I, as a gooood friend, can help you with?"

"You forgot to mention rogue Twilights," sighs the dentist.

"Have you got any problems, conundrums, posers, puzzles, riddles, enigmas, hitches, complications, difficulties, snags, worries, drawbacks, troubles, doubts, qualms, uncertainties, reservations, fears, suspicions, concerns, apprehensions, predicaments, plights, dilemmas, quandaries, scrapes, distresses, impasses, stalemates, standoffs, deadlocks, gridlocks, checkmates, fixes, jams, Catch-22s, pickles, tight-spots, bottle-necks, misgivings, hesitations, questions, queries, inquiries, enquiries, interrogations, requests, reviews, surveys, rogue Twilights, or aaaaaaaaaaaaanything else, that I, as a gooood friend, can help you with?"

The dentist sighs and ties back her blue and white mane.

"I'm here to help you, Princess Twilight. I'm afraid I don't have anything for you to solve."

Thinking twice about her fidgety patient, she grabs the spare 28-sided Rubik's Cube she has lying on a nearby benchtop. The purple alicorn solves it several times before Colgate even begins the check-up, but she is soon trying a whole façade of tricks, like solving it under the bench with her eyes closed, or making a uniform checkerboard pattern on all sides, or solving it while teleporting it around the room.

Soon, the Princess leaves, and a small white pegasus comes in.

"Do I have to have another check-up? I had one last Monday!" groans the colt.

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