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On the other side of the town called Ponyville, (it was meant to be called Fillydelphia, but another town stole the name) there was a tree. And a purple alicorn.

This purple alicorn was Twilight Sparkle, as to the knowledge of the Equestrian Archives, there is only one purple alicorn princess.

Yes, Twilight Sparkle was a princess.

Yes, Twilight Sparkle was a princess who lived in a tree.

It was a big hollow tree though, so it wasn't that strange.

"Spike! Take a letter!" she exclaimed, bursting through the door, and then picking up the pieces of the door and putting it back together.

"What? To who?" said a small purple wingless dragon with green headscales and green eyes. This dragon was called Spike, and didn't have an official last name. If he did, it would probably be Sparkle, because Twilight hatched him from an egg, even though she wasn't his mother. I mean, she was a pony, and he was a dragon. The odds of her being his mother were pretty low anyway.

"Take a letter to Celestia! A friiiiendship letter."

"Twilight. You're an alicorn now. Celestia has already said that you are no longer her pupil but her equal and that you no longer need to send letters to her about your advancements in friendship."

"SPIKE! Take a letter Spike. Or it'll be TARDY!!!"

"Twilight. There's not even a deadline."

"Take a letter. TAKE A LETTER!"

The dragon sighed and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill.


"Deeear Princess Celestia,-"

"Wait, dear with one 'e' or three 'e's?"

"Spike. Did I say it with one 'e' or three 'e's? Spell it properly! Okay,

Deeeear Princess Celestia,

Today I learnt a valuable friendship lesson!

I learnt that friends just have to call, and the other friends will be there to help them.

Your student,

Twilight Sparkle."

"Haven't you already done this friendship lesson before?"

"Revising lessons is the most important lesson of all! Now send!"

Spike (the dragon) sighed and disintegrated the paper in a burst of green flame. As unlikely as this may seem, this was actually the mechanism for sending a full, unharmed letter, to Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia was Twilight's ex-mentor, and the Queen of Equestria. She wasn't called Queen Celestia though because... actually no one knows. Anyway, she could raise the Sun and the Moon, but she only raised the Sun because her sister, Princess Luna, was no longer evil.

... it's a long story.

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