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"Oh- oh my..."

Across the granite floor, a mountain of smooth pebbles is scattered like fire and brimstone after an apocalypse. In the centre of it lies a dragon, still and gasping in unconscious breaths.

"D-Did I do that?"

"Er... no, it... tripped?"

"O-oh, thank goodness. I-is it okay?"

Rarity gulps, "Yes, yes, it's... fine..."

"Oh...my..." Fluttershy crouched behind Rarity, the last shreds of aura from the Stare disappearing from her eyes. There was silence for a few moments.

"M-maybe I should go home now..."

Rarity nodded. "Yes, I believe so... darling... I'll escort you to the... giant caving hole where a door should be."

The duo backs away from the fallen dragon. Fluttershy shivers. Rarity unthinkingly brings out a metal tube and begins polishing it.

"Eeep! I-is that a gun?!"

Rarity stops dead and aims her metal tube. "What? Where? Is what a gun?"

"Th-The gun you're holding!"

"Ooh... this gun... erm... well... you see... this... isn't a gun!"

"I-it looks like a gun..."

"Please Fluttershy, it's just a... toy! A toy of Sweetie Belle's."

"I-i didn't know Sweetie Belle had toy guns..."

"She doesn't. Well, just this one, I mean. Now, Fluttershy, please go rest, you poor thing, I'll... I'll make sure this dragon goes on it's way safely."


The duo falls to their knees. A rock nearly falls onto the narrator. These ponies really aren't considerate to narrators, are they?

"Oh dear... I forgot the safety catch..."

"R-rarity? A-are you sure that's a t-toy gun?"

"Er... it's a very... realistic, toy, gun. Yes."

"Um... o-okay, I'll go now..."

"See you, Fluttershy!" calls the white unicorn, hiding the toy gun and backing back into the cave.

The yellow Pegasus Fluttershy looks around for a moment, then smiles.

"Oh, Everett! You came to pick me up!"

She walks towards Everett, and giggles. The narrator tries to find the pony 'Everett' and fails. The forest is empty apart from Fluttershy.

Empty... apart from trees.

"You shouldn't have! Oh, and how is your sister?" Fluttershy continued, seemingly being able to understand Everett the tree. I'm afraid we'll have to leave this conversation, for lack of translators who specialise in... tree language.

Back in the musty cave, a gunshot rang out.

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