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*Ding dong*

Footsteps- sorry, hoofsteps – echoed as someone neared the door. With a creak, said door opened a fraction, so the occupant could see out.

"Cookies, 5 bits for a box," said a bored, female, echoey voice said.

Outside the door were a trio of girl guides, except only one was female. The scene was queer, so I'll pause time for a minute so I can describe it to you.

On the right was a changeling, a being that can change what it looks like. It can look like any pony. A human changeling could look like any human, even you or me. If you and me are humans. Who can tell?

Anyway, this changeling, like most, had a black body with holes in it. However, she had more hair than most, with a long, flat green mane (also with holes in it) hanging down till her knees. She was wearing a bright brown hat and a strip of cloth with badges on it. She was holding a box of chocolate chip cookies.

In the middle was a dark grey colt (male foal) with red pupils, green whites and a purple trail shimmering from them in the air. He had pitch black hair. Underneath his hat and badge cloth, he was wearing silver armour and a red cloak, the same red as his horn. He had a box of iced cookies in his mouth (but wasn't eating them).

Finally, on the left, was a centaur-like thing. He was slightly taller than the other two, but the same age. He had two tall curvy grey horns coming out of his hat, which was covering his white hair. He was bright red and dark grey combined, and had four hooves and two red arms. He was holding a box of assorted biscuits.

The ones on the left and right (the changeling and the centaur-thing) looked a bit bored. Well, a lot bored. Well, "my parents are forcing me to do this" bored. Well... let's just say bored, shall we?

The one in the centre, the colt in armour with shimmering eyes, looked cute.

Okay, let's press play on the time option... there we go!

"Would you like some cookies?" asked the colt in the middle, except he still had the box of cookies in his mouth, so it sounded more like "muf uf uf uf cuffufs?"

"No." said the voice behind the door. The voice was sad, and echoey. The door creaked closed.

"Well, this is going well," said the changeling sarcastically.

"Blef!" said the colt in the middle, trying to get the cookie box out of his mouth, but failing because it had gotten stuck on one of his fangs.

"Hey guys! Bring some boxes over!" said the fourth member of the mainly-male girl guide cookie crew. He was trying another house. He was a draconeeques. Basically... this is going to take a while...

He was bipedal, but one leg was of a lizard and one was a bull. He had a dragon's tail. He also had two arms, one of an eagle (i.e. a claw) and one of a lion. Then he had a Pegasus and a bat wing, and a unicorn and a reindeer horn. His body was long and brown like a snake's, but furry instead of scaly. And his head... well, it's meant to be a 'horse's' head, but then it must have been a mutated horse. He also had a white goatee and eyebrows, yellow and red eyes, and a black mane-thing.

He was also wearing a cloth with badges on it, and a brown cap. The other three came over and reached into the ether to retrieve more cookies.

The mare graciously accepted and handed over a little more money than she had to.

"Thank you, darlings! Daw, aren't you all so adorable!" She patted the draconeequeses head and disappeared indoors.

"How in the world do you get so many sales, Discord?" spat the changeling (the black holey one (the only girl))

"Oh, well, Chryssie, I'm just simply too adorable for them to refuse!"

"Don't call me Chryssie!"

"It's not the cuteness factor," said the grey colt in armour (he had finally managed to get the cookie box out of his mouth, though he tore it a bit), "I tried that and it never works."

The draconeeques huffed, "Well, I'm not brainwashing them. Princess Sunbutt removed my ability to do that, remember?"

"Yes, and I also remember that the last time she caught you saying Princess Sunbutt, we were all banished to Tartarus for a month." Said the changeling.

The sound of a revving scooter made the quartet spin round.


Discord (the draconeeques) snapped 10 boxes of cookies into reality, and luckily also into the right part of reality, which at the moment was in the wagon tied behind Scootaloo's scooter.

The orange filly Pegasus (we met her before, she's the one who adores Rainbow Dash) grinned and zoomed off.

"Rainbow Dash always wins!"

Two more fillies came up, except they weren't fillies, they were colts, the male version of fillies. One was short and green with an orange mane, and the other was tall and orange with a green mane. They were called Snips and Snails, except when they were called the Biggest Goof-ups in Ponyville.

"Same thing!" they chorused. They had no wagon, so they had to carry 5 boxes each, and nearly dropped them all.

They soon disappeared as well (but not into the ether. Just out of view)

"Well, that was good business." Said the grey colt in armour.

"We still need to sell 20 more boxes before the end of the week if we don't want to be cleaning up Tartarus again," growled the red centaur-thing. Tirek couldn't be a centaur, because humans don't exist in Equestria, so he had to be the next best thing.

"Let's go. Sombra, don't put any more cookie boxes in your mouth. It always backfires on you." Said the changeling to the grey colt in armour.

The quartet moved on to the next house.

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