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"Anything you can do, I can do better!" sang a blue magician, purple starry cloak blowing in the breeze.

"I can do anything better than you!" sang a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane.

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"

"Yes I caaaaaan! I can jump a hurdle!"

"I can wear a girdle!"

"I can knit a sweater!"

"I can fill it better!"



The panting Pegasus pushed a purple part of her ponytail out of her peripheral vision.

"You did not just-"

"Beat you? Yes I did just."

Rainbow Dash (the Pegasus) glared at the smug magician.

"Well, Dashie? Give in. I beat you."


With a pink flash, a purple alicorn appeared before Rainbow Dash.

"Hiiiii, Rainbow Daash! Have you got any problems, conundrums, posers, puzzles, riddles, enigmas, hitches, complications, difficulties, snags, worries, drawbacks, troubles, doubts, qualms, uncertainties, reservations, fears, suspicions, concerns, apprehensions, predicaments, plights, dilemmas, quandaries, scrapes, distresses, impasses, stalemates, standoffs, deadlocks, gridlocks, checkmates, fixes, jams, Catch-22s, pickles, tight-spots, bottle-necks, misgivings, hesitations, questions, queries, inquiries, enquiries, interrogations, requests, reviews, surveys, or aaaaaaaaaaaaanything else, that I, as a gooood friend, can help you with?"

"Uummm... hey look it's Trix-"


The purple alicorn called Twilight Sparkle levitated the blue unicorn known as Trixie Lulamoon and teleported her out of Ponyville.

"Tiime to go write a new friendship letter to Princess Celestia!" Twilight said, trotting away.

"Well, her motto has been upgrade-"

"If you ever have any other problems, conundrums, posers, puzzles, riddles, enigmas, hitches, complications, difficulties, snags, worries, drawbacks, troubles, doubts, qualms, uncertainties, reservations, fears, suspicions, concerns, apprehensions, predicaments, plights, dilemmas, quandaries, scrapes, distresses, impasses- *mmph*"

Twilight removed the blue hoof from her mouth. Rainbow sighed.

"Then just call me, the number one friiiiend you could eeeever have."

"Sure thing, Twi."

The alicorn teleported away, and suddenly the laws of nature broke.

"Anywhere you can sneak, I can sneak better," proclaimed a bush.

"What?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, and pulled back the leaves to reveal Trixie.


"I can sneak anywhere better than you!"

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't"

"Yeeees Iiiiii Caaaaaaaan!!!"

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