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From the depths of the caves come hoofsteps. Rarity aims her gun nervously before realising that a) it's broken and b) they're illegal and she's right in front of two royal guards. Luckily they don't seem to have noticed.

"Why so scared, my... loyal, subjects?"

Into the light steps- glargh-!-!-! Wait-!-what-!-!-!

"It's only me," says Queen Celestia, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Nonono, this isn't meant to happen yet! I'm not prepared!

"Princess Celestia!" exclaims Twilight.

T-The great g-golden and white figure smiles, flames dancing l-like crowns around her.

"Queen Celestia, my faithful student," she says, a smile playing about her l-lips.

"Your highness! We were just, um, completing the census!" says Shut Up nervously.

C-Celestia ignores him.

"Why so scared, my little cookie guides? Come on in..."

D-D- *inhale* okay. Discord,, Chrysallis,, Sombra,, and Tirek,, walk in, to the room,   seeing the looks on their faces, trying not to look guilty,  to look innocent, like- oh,, I'm rambling...

"We were... checking on the, census?" says Disocrd. Discord. Yes. That.

"You're our absolute favouritest princess- uh, queen- ever?" tries Sombra.

T-The cave mouth behind him, is filled, with a glorious golden glow, like molten h-honey.

"I know, Crystal Hoof."

Crystal Hoof? Um, okay?

Spike, um, gasps in the background, falling out of his t-trance thing.

"Now all of you, my pretty little subjects... Will bow to your Queen."

C-Celestia looks pointedly at Chrysalis.

"Equestria's true queen."

Uh oh. Nonono. Don't-

"Equestria's only Queen."

Her eyes are g-glowing a fiery white now, her back is arching, her wings are bristling with hemped-up energy, her teeth are whiter than teeth could ever be, sharper, pointing, curving-

"Equestria's true ruler."

Sh-She hovers a few centimetres off the ground, flames dancing around her body. Her mane and tail are fully-fledged fires, none of the pastel blue, pink, or green of her old self remaining.

Sh-She has come at last.

A-And I must leave you.

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