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"Anything you can sing, I can sing faster!"

"Hah! I can sing anything faster than you!"

"No you can't!"








The two blue (one who flew, neither are new) were fighting for a winner true, and all the while the song grew, even adding a quack and a moo, and who was better with what to chew.

On the sidelines, Scootaloo (the orange Pegasus filly who adores the blue flyer, Rainbow Dash) and the strange iris-less duo, Snips and Snails, were eating cookies.

We met Snips and Snails when they were racing Scootaloo for cookies to pride Trixie.

Trixie really needs better henchponies.

By iris-less, I mean that their eyes were completely black (apart from the whites). It actually doesn't look as strange as it sounds.

However, we're not returning to this eternal battle just yet.

"Allon-sy! Derpy, do you have the screwdriver?"

"Ooh, it's preetty..."

"Hurry up!"

Wait, who are they? Don't interrupt our story! No, we're flying above the crowd, towards the most beautiful place in Equestria: Canterlot!

Up (diagonally) above Ponyville is a mountain. Hanging off the side of the mountain is a complex network of roads and towers, glimmering white, yellow and purple, tipped in spiralling spires.

This is where the two sisters live, the rulers of Equestria, and some of the richest, most fashionable ponies in Equestria.

The first of the two sisters is Princess Celestia, a white alicorn (horn and wings) with a flowing green, blue and pink mane. She is the raiser of the Sun, and protector of her people.

The second is Princess Luna, a blue alicorn with a starry blue mane. She is the raiser of the Moon, and protects the dreams of her people. However, she is still not entirely trusted due to a minor incident where she turned evil and tried to bring eternal night to Equestria and was locked in the Moon for a thousand years, and then tried to do it again when she escapes and had to be stopped using the Elements of Harmony. But she became good again afterwards, so...

Right now, I have not much of an idea where Princess Luna is: Canterlot is not my realm, I watch over Ponyville. But as my Readers, you have the right to see this place, as a get-away from all that chaos below

We now enter the throne room through an open window. A red carpet leads along the room and up the stairs to a golden throne. By one of the glimmering windows stands the Queen of Equestria, Princess Celestia. She has a golden crown and thick golden necklace, both embedded with a purple stone.

She has orange markings painted on her forelegs, like a fire symbol, crawling up from beneath her golden coronation shoes. She also has some of these painted around her eyes.

It's a new look, I believe.

"Queen Celestia, I have news from Ponyville."

Oh, turn around! There's a castle guard behind you! Doesn't he look smart, white with blue eyes and mane, in a golden suit of gleaming armour! There are many of these here, though I'm not sure how or why they all look so similar. Must be a spell for it.

"Yes, Diamond Strength?"

How she tells them all apart is a complete mystery. Maybe there's a spell for that too?

"The quartet have finished selling all the cookies, and wish to know if they may get started on next week's lot."

Oh, I presume that's the quartet from before, Chrysallis, Tirek, Sombra and Discord.

"Tell them the maximum has raised. They have to sell 5 more boxes by the end of the day."

"Very well, my Queen."

The guard gallops out, the doors closed by two colours of magic, signifying that there are two unicorn doormen just outside.

Well, doorponies.

Celestia goes back to the window, and her horn lights up, magic flowing through it. A protective spell about to be cast by the looks of it.

We'll have to leave, I'm afraid. A narrator away from their section of the story can be sent anywhere if they're trapped in a protective spell cast by a powerful alicorn, and a reader without a narrator... would probably be in a little bit of trouble, as they'd have no idea what was going on, or where to go, or how to get there.

Come on!

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