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When Demi woke the next morning, she took in a deep breath as she let all the events of the day before fill her mind. so much had happened.. Demi decided to switch on her TV, the only work she had to do today was a shoot with...Selena. Demi took in a deep breath again, trying to accept it all. She didn't want to hyperventilate so she let it calm her slowly. The TV was on hollywire channel but she wasn't watching. Her eyelids were shut, and it was only when she heard her name that she opened them.

"Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas were spotted in his car last night, coming from a hospital. Is Demi still seeing Nick or are they over? From one jonas to the next, she's like a jumping frog! Are JEMI back?" The reporter said as images of Joe and Demi popped up on TV. Demi sighed and opened her laptop that was resting nearby. she opened twitter and typed in her name to see her fans reactions; they were all defending her, but they seemed to be unsure themselvs. Demi rolled her eyes as she looked at all the hate and went to tweet something. 'I love my lovatics because they love me no matter what RUMORS they hear.' Demi tweeted it, putting rumors in capital letters, indirectly clearing the air. Demi clicked on Joe's twitter to see what he had said. He had tweeted: '@ddlovato will forever be my sister, it's pathetic how people try to make it more then it is.' Demi laughed and rt'd it. She shut her laptop and unlocked her phone- she had many texts from Miley, so she decided to call her.

"Demi!" Miley's creamed down the phone. Demi giggled, at least she knew who her friends where. "Hi love" Demi greeted Miley, who side in relief.
"I called you so much..I texted you so much, I thought something had happened." Miley smiled. "Did you go to your appointment with the doctor?" Demi laughed through the phone.
"Something did happen, and no- with all the drama I forgot." Demi admitted. Miley shook her head, but Demi couldn't see that. "Demi that baby is your priority now. That's a life, you cannot afford to mess up like that." Miley lectured Demi. Demi nodded, she knew Miley was right. "What happened?" Demi sighed. "So, so much. Ask dani to send you the voice note." Demi said, she didn't have the energy or the heart to talk about what had happened.. She was afraid she'd fall apart if she did, and she couldn't. Not with this baby. Suddenly, Demi was really grateful to joe for staying with her last night, it was as if her faith had been restored.
"What voice note?" Miley questioned. Demi sighed again, so much had happened. Flipping her hair back, she opened her mouth to speak again.
"Just ask her, she'll send it to you and you'll understand. I have to go love, but come pick me up for dinner at the shoot?" Demi asked Miley. Miley giggled. "Okay captain, which studio?" Demi told Miley and then the hung up.

Demi walked into the toilet and decided to have a long, pampering bath today. She had tons of spare time and she felt like she needed one. Placing a bath bomb in the baths he watched as the steam rose high from the bath up to the ceiling, and she watched the bubbles begin to pop. She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed some candles, a glass of champagne, And a book. Lighting the candles around the bath, the scent of the bubble bomb was starting to arouse and Demi smiled. The bath was practically inviting her in. Demi walked forwards, stripping as she did, then sat in the bath. Relaxing, she took a sip of the champagne, and then flipped to a page in the book. She was at peace with herself, complete and utter serenity.

Nick woke up back In his hospital bed, feeling shitty. He knew Demi was right, she could tell him everything but he still wouldn't remember how he felt about her, which was the important thing. The doctor walked into the room, with a big smile plastered on his face. "Right, nick, I've got some good news!" The doctor hugged his booklet to his chest as he opened his mouth. "After observing some scans of your brain, I've concluded that you are not permanently forgetful. Your memory will come back, I can't tell you when-but I know that you won't be forgetful forever." Nick felt a large grin take over his face, maybe things wouldn't turn out as bad as he had first suspected.
"That's great news doctor!" Nick beamed, the doctor nodded his head in approval.
"It's not going to come easy, just get people to tell you their full names, where they're from, who they are, what they met you ECT." Nick nodded, taking notes. "You do remember who you are right nick?" The doctor asked. Nick nodded. "Good. Hold onto that. I'll be dispatching you tomorrow morning." The doctor began to walk out but came back in. "Make sure you talk to Demi. Since you've forgotten I doubt you know, but you two have a baby together and you need to come I'm for appointments!" The doctor lectured nick before walking out. Nicks face froze. A baby?!

Miley asked dani for the voice recording and she gave it to her. As Miley listened to it, her heart dropt. Demi was going through so much alone, Miley texted Liam, and asked him to meet her. He came a rough few minutes later.
"Hey baby." Liam connected their lips and Miley smiled through the kiss. When they finally pulled away, Miley hugged him. "I can't make it for lunch today babe." She told him. Liam sighed. "Why?"'he asked. Miley took out her phone and played him the recording. "I have to be there for her Liam, I have to." Liam nodded and kissed her cheek. "Send her the get wells from me okay?" Miley nodded and smiled. "I'm going to pick up a soppy movie and some ice cream for her, wanna tag along?" Miley asked. Liam smirked and shook his head. "No, oh have your girls night." He slapped her bum, and kissed her before walking back to his car. Miley giggled and walked to the local shop she saw nearby,not pick up some ice cream. Then, she walked into he car and drove out to rent a movie. Miley made it to Demi's house a good hour after. The paparazzi had seen her and Liam's 'intimate' moment and she knew that the whole bum slap would cause a stir.

Miley knocked on Demi's door, and when Demi never answered she unlocked the door with a pin she had in her hair, worried she would be doing something to herself. When she sneaky the bath bomb she relaxed, shut the door behind her, and went to prepare some of the ice cream and the movie. She made some pop corn on the stove too, and everything was ready when Mikey had the water turn off. Miley texted Demi. 'Im in your living room boo. Get dressed quick' she heard Demi's phone beep, and Demi laugh. "At least tell me you didn't break my lock with your pins!" Miley laughed. "Nope, your lock is good." Demi unlocked the door and ran to her bedroom, where she got changed and came out in pyjamas. Her hair was up in a bun and she had no makeup on.
"I don't understand how one person can look so good with no makeup on. It puzzles me." Miley said, frowning. She offered Demi, who was laughing, a bowl of ice cream,and turned around. As Demi sat on the couch, Miley pressed play on the movie and they started watching, as well as eating the popcorn and ice cream.
The movie ended, and so did the popcorn. The ice cream was we'll gone. There were tissues all over the table, the notebook always got them in tears. Miley took Demi in her arms.
"Look, I don't know why Nick did what he did, and he's gonna need a good talking but-" Demi stopped Miley.
"That's if he remembers you." Demi said bluntly. Miley frowned, confused.
"Nick has amnesia. He doesn't remember me, and barely remembers his family. I said that all before he told me." Demi explained. Miley froze. "Amnesia?" Demi nodded. Sinking further in Miley's cotton jumper, seeking some type of closure, but Miley said nothing. All the feelings came rushing back to Demi and she started crying, sobbing in Miley's arms. Miley couldn't do anything, she couldn't even comfort Demi, because there was so much going on in Her head.

There was a high possibility that Nick had forgotten her, and that broke her heart. Yes, she had Liam, and yes, she has slightly gotten over him, but not completely! She needed more time, but the idea of nick...the love of her life, forgetting the long relationship she shared with him, it broke her heart. Miley let a tear slide, he was also her best friend, had he forgotten that too? Demi we'd her tears and got up.
"You didn't make me feel better, why did you have to bring it up if you weren't going to make me feel better?" Demi asked as she sniffed. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her nose was too. Miley looked down, feeling bad. "I was getting over it, I was really feeling like I was getting over it-" Miley Interrupted Demi, her rudeness rising.
"Oh please, you think a little bath is going to get you over your obsessive sad feelings for my ex?!" Miley screamed. Demi raised her eyebrows. "Is that how it is." Demi asked, rhetorically. Miley regretted saying it as soon as it came out. She had just given away the fact that Miley still practically loved him, and that she found Demi's love obsessive, fuck. Demi's phone beeped, giving her am excuse to get up. It was an alarm to leave for her photo shoot with the devil herself. But even that sounded better then sitting with Miley right now. "Well, I have my shoot now. I'm leaving." Miley knew that, that was Demi's way of saying get the fuck out, so that's what she did. Miley got up, apologised, and left.


Demi arrived at the photo shoot and walked on set. She took a deep breath as she saw Selena being make over'ed. Demi walked over to the photographer and she smiled at how happy hew as to see her. "We all thought you weren't going to show up! I'm so glad you're here!" They gave each other air kisses, the photographer was super snobby and he was super hygienic. He refused to touch anything other then his camera unless it was necessary. Demi smiled and walked over to her makeup artist, where her face was turned flawless, and then to her stylist, where she was dressed from head to toe. Demi thanked them and then she walked onto the shoot, where Selena was standing. They were both in the same dress, red tight velvet ones, that hugged their curves...more Demi then Selena, but they both looked beautiful.
"Hi, Demi." Selena greeted Demi, trying to clear the air. Demi ignored her completely, and turned to the photographer.
"Okay, so this shoot is probably different to other shoots you've done because I have a few poses I have in mind. The first one is that ridiculous pose you two do all the time. The whole arms together thing." Demi rolled her eyes could he get more disrespectful? Selena rolled her eyes too, and went into the pose. They wrapped their arms around each other, and smiled. (A/N it's this one ) the photographer took some photos and smiled. "Good okay the next one is you two just smiling at me hold each other and smile at the camera" Demi and Selena did as they were told. They looked like the happiest of friends. "These pictures are gold, if only you could see them! Right next one, blow kisses at the camera." Selena and Demi did as they were told, blowing kisses at the camera. "Right, now do a tongue out to the side, right eye winked type of thing." If took Selena and Demi a while to perfect the expression, but when they did- it looks fabulous. "Gosh, you guys are like photogenic or something." A guy said as he walked in. "Oh, Donald, look at these toe, aren't they fabulous?" The photographer asked. Donald laughed and nodded. "Keep going." Donald walked off and the photographer explained that that was the manager.
"Right, last one so make it count, I want you two hugging each other so do that"
Demi held herself back but Selena went straight in for the hug. She nuzzled her head in Demi's shoulder, and closed her eyes, inhaling the scent. She knew this was the last time she'd be able to hold Demi like she was now, witch was why she was holding on so tight.
"Aw, isn't this cute. Demi wrap your arms around Selena's neck for me love" Demi sighed and did what she was told, loosely holding into Selena's neck. She took this moment to tell Selena how she felt.
"I fucking hate you, I actually believed you were a changed person, better person..." Demi felt a tear drop from Selena's eye, and she was glad that she had broken through that tough shell. "I'm all up for second chances, but I gave you yours. After this shoot, I never want to see you again, unless it's business wise." Demi whispered in Selena's ears again. Selena sniffed, accepting the hard truth.
"Right girls, it's been a pleasure working with you. Come have a look at the photos!"

After they looked at the pictures, and changed, Demi thanked everyone on set, and then walked out of the studio, Selena trailing behind her.
"Demi..." Selena moaned, wanting to catch up. Demi turned, glaring at Selena.
"Was I not clear inside? Stay the hell away from me." A group of paparazzi approached the girls right there and then. "Woah woah woah, you guys having a fight? We heard the stay away from me part!!!" They all shouted. Selena bit down on her lip, but Demi was quick to come up with something. "No, we're just practicing for audition." Demi laughed, she reached out to Selena and dragged her in, she walked off with Selena with her arm around her waist. The two ran to Demi's car and stepped in, shut the door behind them and drove off. Demi parked outside Selena's house, the car ride had been quiet but no one had bothered to break the ice.
"Thank you d-" Selena begun. Demi rolled her eyes and pressed the button to unbuckle Selena's seatbelt. "Save it." Demi replied. Selena hugged Demi once more, but Demi was stiff. Selena let tears fall, not bothering to wipe them off, and left the car. Left Demi's life. Forever.
Things have been pretty dramatic in this story lately
Please guys comment and tell me
1) what you want to happen next
2) what you think will happen next
3) anything you don't like or you think needs improving

Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now