What have I done?

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Demi wiped away her remaining tears and scratched at the tear stains on her face. Why was she such an easy target? Why was it so damn easy for people to hurt her? Did she have a big sign that said EASY TARGET HERE written on her forehead?  Demi slapped her forehead, just in case there was something along the lines of easy target here. She couldn’t get the image of Miley and Cody together out of her head. She thought back to when she saw Selena and Cody, and replaced Selena's position with Miley. More tears ran down her face. Demi knew it wasn't a good idea to be alone when she was as hurt as she was. She pulled out her phone and went to her settings. She put her number on private before she dialed a number. It was a number she had gotten off of a friend and saved it only for reassurance. Demi doesn't know why she dialed that number. Out of all numbers in her phonebook, why she dialed that number. But she did. She had never once dialed it; and she had promised herself she wouldn't ever call it- but there's a first for everything, and times change…

"Hello?" said the voice. It was a calm relaxed voice that was also a little deep. It was perfect. It had changed since she had last heard it. It sounded more mature then the old childish voice she was so used to hearing. Demi's breathing hitched She couldn't knock sense into her head. She felt like she was going to explode any second now. Seconds past and she just couldn’t say anything. She sat there listening to the breathing of the person on the other line of the phone, like a pathetic looser.

"Hello? Anyone there?"   The voice spoke again. It was a little annoyed now, the tone changing. Demi opened her mouth, and shut it again. If she spoke normally, it would know it's her and mess things up…maybe if she changed her voice a little- even if he actually didn’t remember her, she couldn’t risk it. She changed her voice and opened her mouth, but words wouldn't come out. She was stuck.

"Listen, if you don’t answer me I'm calling the police. I'm not in the mood so hurry up." The voice spoke. Demi opened her mouth and this time words actually did come out. It was mostly because she was in so much fear.

"H-h-hey..." Demi spoke, her voice was raspy; it sounded scared and lonely. Demi slapped herself mentally.  Stupid, stupid, STUPID.

"Err... Who are you?" The voice returned to its original form. Demi sighed a sigh of relief; she felt better knowing it wasn’t angry at her. Only this voice could make her smile just by talking.

"Can you meet me somewhere?" Demi asked. She was shocking herself with the words that she was speaking. She couldn’t even think straight. It was like someone else was speaking words that weren't even her words. Yet they were coming out of her mouth.

"Okay then…where?" It answered.  She sighed. How stupid was he?  He didn't even know who he was talking to yet he was so quick to agree to meet with her. She was actually hoping he would say no.

"Subway" Demi said.

"Okay fine, subway near billmads high school right?" He asked.

"Yes." Demi answered nervously.  "Okay I'll be there in 10." Demi hung up and stood in her room shocked. What had she done? How the hell was she supposed to get out of this?

Demi, dressed in short shorts and a graphic t-shirt, walked into starbucks around 15minutes after the phone call. She was nervous as hell and she was honestly freaking out. She knew this was a bad idea. Her eyes quickly scanned the shop until she found what she was looking for. It was a boy. A boy with blonde hair, that stuck upwards and downwards and honestly was just a hot mess. His eyes still as blue as ever…his lips still thin and pink, even though they had become a little more plump since she had last saw him; witch was actually a long time ago. He seems to have been working out, because out of nowhere, his biceps were literally poking out of his skin tight shirt. She watched him as he buried his head inside his sub, eating it. Demi walked forwards until she was standing right in front of him. He looked up and his eyes legit popped out of his head. He stood up and straightened out his clothes, before looking up at Demi again.

"D-D-D-Demi?" He asked, making sure it wasn't a dream or something.

"Hey, Cody." She answered.


oooh:') a bit of drama coming up, maybe? Did you guys see that coming? Did ya? Did ya?! Haha im just kidding but anywhoo, hope you guys like this chapter, it's a little short- but I have some stuff planned for you, I think you'll like it;3 Vote, follow and comment for more!;]


Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now