Really? Me too!

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Nick held onto Demi's hands as he felt his insides exploding. His mind was racing and his heart was beating so fast he was sure it was going to fall out in a second.

"So..." The awkward words escaped her lips and Nick knew he'd have to talk, and he'd have to talk now.

"Listen, I don't really know how to say this, but.." Nick hesitated as he saw Demi's eyes brighten with curiosity.

"That didn't mean anything to me." He lied quickly. He slapped himself mentally and squeezed his eyes shut. Why was he being such a coward? why couldn't he come out straight and tell her he liked her?! What was wrong with him? He looked up to see Demi looking down. He cursed and decided to try again.

"That's a lie actually" he spoke quickly, wanting to get it all out as soon as possible before he turned into a coward again. "That meant everything to me." Demi looked up and her breath hitched. Was she dreaming?

"really? it meant a lot to me too I've actually kind of liked you for a while now." Demi was shocked at the words that were coming out of her mouth...she didn't know what was driving her to say such things but whatever it was, it had something to so with Nick. Nick raised his eyebrows and he felt his body having mini spasm attacks.

"Me too..I was just too scared to tell you, but I think I love you Lovato." he said simply. The words effortlessly rolled off his tongue and it felt like a big weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Everything made sense now. Everything that had been feeling towards Demi suddenly made sense. He loved her. He actually really did.

Demi's eyed watered as she felt happiness in her heart. True happiness. she grinned and fell into Nicks arms, where he missed her hard and passionately. Everything just felt so right as Nick carried her upstairs, and into her own room.


Selena walked back to Demi's house around an hour after she left when she realised she had left her purse there. Smiling as she thought about how easy Demi was, she walked onto her porch why was the door open? Selena pushed it open and crept into the house as quietly as she could. What if there was some sort of criminal in the house? what if something had happened? Selena got more anxious and worried as she walked upstairs to the sound of muffled voices. She pushed the door open and she stopped frozen.

Selena stood, Silent as she looked at Demi and Nick in bed together, naked, kissing side by side. She stepped back and hit her back onto the wall, making Nick and Demi jump. They looked at a feet eyed Selena. A frown of worry took stage on Demi's face as she felt the pain that Selena was feeling.

"Selena oh my gosh I-" Selena ran out of the room, covering her mouth and the tears rushing down her face. Demi quickly got out of the covers and walked out naked but Nick pulled her back.

"Just let her calm down for a bit, or else she'll probably just flip out at you and say things she'll regret. So will you." Nick enveloped her into his arms again, as Demi continued to worry about Selena, who didn't really care about Demi at all.



But do you guys feel bad about Selena? or do you not care? comment maybe because I barely ever get comments and comments make me smile? I love you guys idek ok bye


Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now