"Okay?" "Okay."

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Selena and Miley had been sitting next to Nick for half an hour, until the doctor came out. "Demetria Devonne Lovato?" All three of them stood up, and walked over to the doctor. "How is she? What's wrong with her? What happened? Is she going to be okay?" the group showered the doctor with questions. He told them to be quiet and turned to look at Nick.

"I take it you're the boyfriend?" he asked, Nick nodded. "have you two had any sexual activity lately?" Nick nodded slowly, what was the doctor inferring? "What's wrong with her?" he asked.

"ah, well it's quite simple actually. Demi's pregnant. I want her in tomorrow morning at 10:00 for another check up. Demi's waiting for you in her room, goodbye." The doctor walked away, leaving Nick standing there as still as a statue.


Nick walked into Demi's hospital room after 10 minutes. Selena and Miley had reluctantly left on nicks request. He saw Demi sleeping in her bed, she had a small bag in her hand, and tissues. Nick sat next to her and observed her face. It was red, she had been crying. Nick sighed and watched her stomach. He lifted her shirt to see the stomach that contained a living being. He put his hand on her stomach and she quickly jumped up. As Demi saw it was Nick and not some random person touching her, she calmed down. She pressed her back onto the wall behind her and sighed.

The entire car ride home was quiet. Awkward and disappointing. Paparazzi taking snapshots behind them made everything worse. When they reached Demi's apartment, they climbed out of the car and walked into the household. They sat in bed together, and made no noise at all. after 30minutes, Nick decided to break the ice.

"You said you were on birth control Demi." Nick stated. His voice was stern and serious. Demi felt tears coming and she nodded.

"I was!" she exclaimed, and she was telling the truth- she had been on the pill, the doctor had told her there was another reason for her pregnancy. Nick was raging now.

"Don't fucking lie to me demi! you're not some miracle god damn it!" He slammed his fist onto the bed and got up to look at the wall. He put his head in his hands as he turned away from her. Demi sighed, sure his words should've hurt her- but she didn't let it get to her. He had the right to be angry, shocked. This was...unexpected. She knew he'd break, she just thought he'd break after her..not before.

"The doctor said that because I was doing pills while having sex with you, it like overrided the contraceptive pill." Demi explained after Nick had calmed down. Nick looked at her like she was mad. "you did drugs?!" he felt like his head was going to blow. Demi laughed.

"No, I had a lot of pills for my headaches remember?" Nick nodded but he was still weery. "Look, I'm going home for a bit, I need some space okay?" Demi nodded, she had heard that line before. Cody had used it on her. Demi had asked him for space, and he gave her what she needed- but he forgot one thing...he forgot to come back. But Nick wouldn't leave her now out of all times, right? Not when she was potentially carrying his child, not when she needed him the most...right?! The difference between Cody and Nick was that Nick loved Demi. They were also best friends before this couple stuff, so it's not like he could leave her; even if he wanted to. Demi decided not to argue, they were both still very sensitive over the whole thing- how could such a horrible thing happen? So she decided to keep quite, and answer with one single word. "Okay."  Nick tapped her shoulder, sighed and left. No kisses, hugs or smiles.


The car ride was just about as awkward as awkward gets. Selena had always had a crush on Nick, and Miley was an ex; and they had both just found out that their best friend was having a kid with this guy. Miley breathed in, and exhaled a long deep breath. Selena did the same and then turned to Miley as she parked. "Well, that was...eventful." Selena began. Miley laughed, maybe Selena wasn't as bad as she made herself out to be. Miley shook her head and banged her hands onto the steering wheel. "Part of you thought you could get him back...right?" Selena asked, Miley looked at Selena like she was insane. But she was right- Miley was just indenial. She had Liam what else could she possibly want. "Oh shit." Miley cursed as she scavened for her phone in her bag. "Liam, Liam..Liam!" Miley quickly called him and bit her lip as she waited.                                                       "Ah, and she calls."  Liam said, he was so obvouisly upset about it, Miley frowned, how did she manage to mess up?

"OhmygodLiam, I'm so sorry, I completly forgot. I mean I didn't completly forget but what I mean was I was meant to come over, I swear- but I met with one of my old friends first, and then my ex called my old friend to tell her that my best friend fell unconscience so we rushed to the hospital and turns out she's pregnant with my ex witch is incredibly awkward  but what are you going to do? and then we were in the car and my old friend mentioned missing a guy and I thought of you and I was like shit shit shit liam! and then I called you.." Miley stopped for a breath, she had been speaking so fast that Selena had to pat her on the back to get her to breathe. Liam chuckled and Miley let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, just slow down. Are you coming over?" He asked, Miley opened her mouth to say yes but then she saw Selena peering over from the corner of her eye, she had completly forgotten. Miley bit down on her lip nervously and tried to make a decision. "Hello? Miley?" Liam echoed, Miley quickly responded. "Liam, I can't. I'm sorry, I can't ditch my friend like that." Miley regretted saying it as soon as it came out her mouth- she shut her eyes, waiting for a responce. 

"But you can ditch me?" She heard Liam's voice, it was rough and it sounded hurt- he did have a point, She had made plans with him first, yet she was ditching him, out of all people, for Selena. Miley started to stutter, what was she supposed to say to that? "e-e-rm I-i-I mean I-i-"  Liam inturupted her with a laugh. "Yeah, I get it. Bye Miley" Miley opened her mouth to reply but it was too late, he had hung up. She sighed and put her phone on charge and between her legs.  "You didn't have to do that you know" Selena said, Miley nodded and looked at selena. "But I wanted to." Miley smiled and so did Selena, and they started the car, and drove to a restraunt to catch up on all the years they had missed.


Nick was speeding in his car, trying to clear his head. His family already didn't accept Demi&Nick's relationship- this baby wouldn't help the situation at all! Ah, the baby! What were they going to do? Nick opened his windows, letting the cool air go pass his face- washing away some of his worries. He sped faster, were they going to get an abortion? Were they going to give birth? If they were going to give birth; what would they tell the media? their famillies? their friends? the world?! What were they going to do?! He pressed his foot on the wheel harder. How was he supposed to deal with this?! Nick closed his eyes for a split secound, and in that split secound, he lost control of the car, banged into another, and sent his car flying across the motorway, and banging into a tree. At least, he was at peace. 


omg guys dshoihdgihocih what?! I'm sorry for the delay I should be updating a lot more idk why I'm not this is so messed up:o Anyway, I want to dedicate this chapter to @SheInspiresMe because she has been so nice to me. I haven't been having the best time with myself lately, I've lost a lot, fell back to my issues ect and I can only thank this girl because she's the only reader who gave a shit about me the entire time. Please follow her and show her some love because that's all she ever gives. So blessed to find this girl. Lots of love!

-Ruby xp

Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now