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Demi kept her head down in embarassment, she had just bumped into a person...at the hospital! Concern flooded her, what if they had no legs? no arms? what if she had broken him? She heard two metal cruches fall to the ground and suddenly she became very concerned about who she had bumped into...what if it was an old man? The concern forced her to lift her head, and when she saw who it was, she felt like dropping it down again.

"Oh, great. Hey Demi." Nick greeted her happily. Demi lifted her head again and frowned. What the fuck? was he trying to take the piss? Demi got up from the ground and dusted off her clothes. As she was about to turn her heel Nick pulled her back. "Hey, missy. I'm talking to you, don't you know it's rude to turn your back on people when they're talking to you?" Nick asked, Demi's mouth dropped in amazment. He was hurting her so bad. "You should learn a little something from Selena." He added. Demi raised her eyebrows. "The only fucking thing I've ever learnt from her is how to show my emotions, so here's a little fucking emotion for you douchebag!" Demi flung her hand back, and then let gravity do it's job as it rebounded and smacked Nick's face. Nick groaned as his head snapped to the left. He immidiently grabbed his cheek and croached down a little.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" He screamed. Demi bent down to his level, and then grabbed his chin. "How could you hurt me like this and then act like it didn't happen?" Demi let some tears fall, and she watched Nick's face soften. Demi sniffed, and stood up; walking away from him.

Demi had been sitting in the cafetiria for around half an hour, she wanted to talk to Joe, Dani had told her about how he was the one who saved her from banging her head on the ground. The doctor said, that if she had banged her head on the ground, it would've left it in a really bad state, marble was pretty hard. Demi had been sitting her self debating about if she should or shouldn't talk to him, thank him. She had only come up with a 'yes' a few minutes ago. Demi texted him and took a sip from the water she had orded. Joe had agreed and told her he'd be there soon. she had texted him only a few minutes ago. Sipping from her cup again, in hope of relaxing her insides. Since she wasn't showing much emotion, every limb in her body was hyper with it. There was so much pain in her body...Nick had told her to be more like Selena? Demi felt a tear fall from her eye and she didn't bother to wipe it away. Joe wouldn't be here for a while, and the cafetiria was mostly empty; which is why she was so suprised when she heard two metal cruches approuching her. She kept her head down, hoping they were going to someone else. She wasn't in the mood to socialise today, she just wanted to thank Joe for saving her life, and then do exactly what she planned from the start. But the metal cruches were rested on the table by a pair of white hands and she knew instantly who it was. Nick. Demi felt an impulse to get up and leave, but why should she? why should she show him he had hurt her? Demi raised her head and looked at Nick dead in the eyes. He had sat next to her.

"Look, I didn't want to say this before because I didn't want to hurt you.You're a lovely girl...or so I've heard. Our last encounter was anything but lovely." Nick raised his eyebrows as if to signify that he wanted a responce. Demi never said anything, was this his way of breaking up with her or something? Demi bit down on her lip, he hurt her, he hurt her so bad, but she loved him. She hated that but she loved him and she didn't want to loose him. He meant the world and more to her.

"The doctor said...the doctor said that I have amnesia." Nick said simply. He had asked the doctor not to tell Demi specifically, seeing her responce when he kissed Selena. Her name had popped up a couple of times, she must have been a close friend or something, but Nick didn't remember her. He knew it must be hard to be in her position, so he tried to sympathise. "I don't remember you. I'm really, really sorry Demi." Demi bit down harder on her lip, trying to keep her thoughts from ...thinking. She didn't want to think. If she let herself think, she wouldn't be ale to stop thinking, and she'd do something. She'd do something stupid. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think. She couldn't allow herself to think. Demi let hot tears come out of her eyes because it was better then thinking. She had cried a lot today, but at least she wasn't thinking. "Demi, please don't cry." Nick attempted to hug her. Demi moved in for the hug, but an idea came to mine. Demi moved her face so that it was inches apart from his, and then she just kissed his lips.

At first, Nick made no responce, but he started moving his lips after a while. Hope filled Demi's heart and all her issues seemed to fade away in those few seconds of the kiss. Demi moved in, as Nick licked her bottom lip- he must remember! Demi smiled as she let him in; she wasn't thinking...and maybe that was for the best. Demi made out with Nick for another few minutes until she was desperate for breath. She pulled away and looked up at Nick, with eyes shinning with ambition. Her lips already missing the warmth of his. There was silence as Nick looked down at her, so Demi was pressured into asking. "Do you remember?" Nick flicked his attention to her, nibbling at his lip. "Do I remember what?" He asked. Demi frowned. "Do you remember me, now? Now that we've kissed do you remember who I am? Who I was to you?" Demi asked. Nick looked down and he didn't have to say anything, Demi understood. He never rememberd anything.




Demi unwrapped her arms from Nicks waist and cleared her throat, feeling like an idiot. "You don't remember, do you?" Demi asked, already crystal clear about the answer. Nick sighs. "Why don't you tell me?" Nick asked. Demi kept her mouth shut. Why should she? What would happen, he had forgotten his feelings for her. Even if she had told him that he was the baby daddy and the love of her life, they were just facts....he couldn't remember the love between them. He couldn't remember the trust. It was pointless. "I obviously meant something to you and vice versa, so why don't you tell me?" He said again as Demi didn't answer, he felt sorry for her if he was honest. Demi looked up and shook her head, she was going to speak her mind. "Even if I did tell you, you don't remember loving me, trusting me, being with me. It's pointless. I hope you're happy now a nick. I mean that genuinely. Thank you for everything, even if you don't remember, thank you." Demi kissed Nicks cheek, drank the last of her water, and then lifted herself off the table; Leaving Nick sitting on the table speechless. Demi moved fast, not wanting nick to catch up with her, even though she was sure he wouldn't. He was at severe disadvantages.
1) he was on crutches
2) he didn't remember who she was, so he had no reason to follow her
3) he didn't remember how he felt about her, so again, he had no reason to follow her

Demi's phone beeped and she took it out to see who it was, it was joe. Demi sighed, she had forgotten. Demi was sitting outside the hospital, drinking some cold water. Very, very cold. She texted him where she was and he appeared out of nowhere, right away.
"Hey." Joe said, Demi jumped. He has scared her! Joe chuckled before apologising. He sat next to her, taking swings of vodka. Demi watched the bottle, it was wrapped up in a grocery bag so one could identify the contents. It was a bad move, it was obvious. Demi was surprised he hadn't been caught. "Can I have some?" She asked her eyes on the prize. Joe lifted his eyebrows. He hadn't
Seen Demi drink in a while. He put the pieces of the puzzle together, and realised she was planning on drinking because she was hurt. Joe laughed. "No." He said quiet simply. Demi frowned. "Why not?" She questioned. Joe smirked. "Because if you drink now, the pain you'll feel will be double the pain you feel right now. Deal with it, drinking won't help." He advised her. Demi raised her eyebrows again and clapped her hands together. "Ever consider becoming a therapist?"

Demi and Joe had been hanging out for a while, Demi asked Joe to take her to get ice cream, so they went to an off license nearby, and brought a tub of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. This was basically because they couldn't agree on a flavour. So this was his solution. "So this is how you deal with pain?" He asked, taking a spoonful of ice cream himself. Demi nodded, unable to talk because she had ice cream in her mouth. Demi giggled at Joe. He was going through brain freeze. "Not bad." He said, making them both collapse into laughter. Joe dropt her off home, and when they were sitting in the car, and Demi was about to get out, she remembered why she texted him I'm the first place. "Joe, I texted you to thank you for saving me. I could've had a really bad head injury. Danielle told me all about it, and I just wanted to say thanks." Joe chuckled. "Anytime." Demi nodded and kissed Joes cheek. "And thank you for taking me out, I feel remarkably better." Joe looked up, she had kissed him. On the cheek. That was a sign to show friend zone....great. "You probably saved me from doing something really stupid tonight." Demi said. Joe grabbed her and pulled her in, hugging her tight. He whispered in her ear. "Don't you ever do anything to yourself." Demi smiled and nodded, walked out the car, and into her house. She locked the toilet door, and went to bed, where her heart broke over and over again.
That was a long chapter! Ah! What do you guys think? Comments really motivate me so please drop your opinions below! Thank you for all the nice comments lately guys. Wattpad was being really annoying and wouldn't let me post a new chapter which is why this is slightly late, thanks for reading!

Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now