Relationships were blossoming.

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Liam kept fidgiting, but Miley was completly unaware, she was 110% foccused on the road. Suddenly, a flash of cameras came from behind- Miley gasped and quickly pulled her car into the nearest parking. "fucking dickheads" Miley cursed, she stopped to take a breath. Liam was shocked, it wasn't like anything had happened. "What's wrong?" he asked. Miley squinted her eyes and then looked at him.

"Paparazzi." She opened her door and slammed, it before she walked over to the parzzi and started tioscream at them.

"Put the damn cameras down and listen to me." Miley ordered, the paparazzi followed her instructions, but were still recording her voice. She sighed, did they really think she was that stupid? "I was driving my mother fucking car down the streets with a friend, in perfect bliss- tell me why I was about to crash my car, endanger not only myself, but also my passenger?!" Miley snarled at the paparazzi who she was usally so friendly with. The paprazzi began to disperce and walk away, apolagising. as they did. Miley rolled her eyes and stepped back into the veihcale, to see a shocked Liam. "What?" she asked, Liam shook his head and put his seatbelt back on. He had seen and heard everything- damn Miley was a fiesty one.


Demi and Nick had drove back to Demi's apartment and they were lying in bed together. Neither had said a word, because they honestly weren't sure how to start a conversation after what had just happened- usaully the two couldn't STOP talking. Demi Drew in a deep sigh, determined to break the silence in some way shape or form, that was causing her depression.

"So." Demi begun. She mentally slapped herself, was that the best she could do?! Nick chuckled at her attempts. "so." he replied, Demi snuggled into his chest, maybe sex would drive the awkwardness away? she looked up and started making out with him, before either of them knew it, they were having sex.


Selena hugged her aunt as she whispered goodbyes In her ears. Selena was going back to NYC and if she was honest, she was more happy then sad. Sure, she lied staying here with her aunt. Even though Selena was very well known, everyone around here was very grounded, and honestly didn't care. this was the first time she could go to a local shop or pop out quickly to throw away trash, without being followed by Mid-aged men who made a living from her face.

Selena left the house and pulled her suitcase behind her. She pulled in a long inhale, breathing in the oxygen, enjoying it. Selena hadn't had much time to be thankful for everything she had, but she was doing it now. Selena was truly, truly grateful to be alive. Ever since she had Gotten to Texas, she hadn't cut. Maybe it's because there was no drama here, or maybe it was because she was so busy that there was no time for her mind to wander off, but she was more then glad that she didnt.

Selena had also been writing a lot of songs lately. before Texas, Selena let fame get to get head and she wasn't doing anything for the fans anymore. It had been forever since she had done a movie, or an advert, or released a song...she was really excited to tell them that she was writing a new album. It was in the makes and honestly, her fans deserved 100000 albums. She had also got he heads up from her management to do a world tour once she had released her album. The dates and arenas and countries were all set, they just hadn't been announced yet.

A taxi stopped and drove Selena to the airport, where she was going back home. She pulled out her phone and tweeted something:

'Coming back to NYC!! I have a big, big, big surprise for you all! Thank you for all the support, love y'all! xxx'

She imminently got retweets and favourites and replies, being famous had it's perks.


Miley pulled into the Starbucks parking lot and walked out with liam, she smiled as she looked around to see no paparazi. Peace and harmony with the boy she was falling head over heels with. They walked hand in hand into Starbucks and ordered the same thing. two coffees. Then they brought a pack of Oreos to share, and spoke over that.

Miley was shocked to know that Liam had never seen her on Hannah Montana (He had, he just lied.) and Liam was shocked to know that Miley had never seen him on adverts (She hadn't, she was telling the truth!). They laughed and spoke for hours, until the Starbucks staff had to ask them to leave, they hesitated when they saw it was Miley, Cyrus,

But Miley smiled and did as was asked.

Liam and Miley said goodbye to each other and agreed to meet soon, they had each other's numbers and could communicate whenever they wanted to. Miley didn't know what they were. Friends? Friends with benefits? A couple? Nothing? it was confusing, and he caffeine she had just had was making her mind work 100x harder and faster (A/N that's what she saidddd😂😂). What Miley didn't know was that she was thinking the same thing as Liam. He was confused too, he liked Miley and wanted to be with het, but he wasn't sure if she felt he same. one thing was for certain, one of them was going to have to 'fess up.

Everything was going alright. relationships were blossoming. Nick and Demi were in love, Selena and her fans were communicating , Miley and Liam were head over heels in love with each other.





Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now