Tears, tears, and more tears.

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Nick jumped out infront of Demi and he shreiked out her name, his smile was large and kept growing within every secound..then it just dropped.He stared at Demi for a good few secounds, not saying any words, and Demi was looking down, playing with her fingers. Miley had no idea what was going on but was getting the idea that they must have had an argument at some point. She drew in a long deep breath to catch attention, and smiled at Nick.

"Hey Nick" Miley smiled a devious smile, she was going to get them to talk to eachother no matter what. "I'm gonna go order myself a drink, keep Demi company will ya?" She winked and walked off, grabbing her bags and strutting to the back of the longest que; pleased with her idea. She was a very impatient girl, but for her friends, she'd do anything. There were around 4 lines, and the first 3 were relatively short. However, the last fourth line was as long as a bloody snake.Miley began to play with the keyrings hanging off her gucci bags. She knew Demi was going to murder her and was honestly a bit scared. Whenever Demi and Nick fought, they would get over it within minutes. But as Miley thought back to the stiff air that was literally chocking her, she knew that either Demi or Nick had messed up bad.  

Miley had no idea why she was siding with Nick on this...well she did, but at the same time she didn't. She wanted them all to be friends, but also, Demi was going through a tough time with the whole Nick and Selena thing and now shes just adding more pressure onto her. If Nick and Demi dont fix things right now, then Demi will probably never speak to her again. Miley sighed as she moved forward in the line a bit. She was like the 30th person. Miley had tons of time to think; she started thinking about Nick...Nick and Miley had dated for around 2 years and 8 months. It was pretty serious...it was the longest relationship either of them had ever had. They loved eachother, the only real reason that they broke up was because both of them were becoming very busy with new albums and tours and movies and.. the list was endless. Even so, Miley never really got over Nick. She kinda still loved him. Being around him all the time was tough for her, but over the years she just got used to the pain. The worst thing was, though, that Demi is in love and was in love with Nick. The pain, heartbreak, and betrayal feelings Miley felt towards the situation were honestly unexplainable. Miley shuffled forwards again, now being the 29th person in the line. She took out her phone, and started texting her friends. Not wanting to think about Nick...or Demi, actually. 


Seeing her actions, Nick caught on quickly and decided to work things out with Demi while he still had the chance. He looked back at her and saw she was still playing with her fingers, with her head down and bangs overtaking her face. He got up quickly, and sat next to her. Demi must've noticed this and froze. She was no longer fidgeting restlessly, she was just looking downwards. Nick sighed, and pushed the bangs out of her face, giving him a good view of her features. He took his two fingers, and lifted her head with them, making her look straight ahead, He then tilted her head so that she was looking at him. His heart exploded into a million pieces, as he saw her eyes.


As Miley got up from her seat grabbing her bags, Demi had a mini-panic attack. What was she doing? Miley was stupid, but she wasn't SO dumb that she couldn't catch on to the awkward tension in the atmosphere. She's doing this on purporse. Demi assumed, she sighed, she was going to strangle Miley as soon as she came back. When she saw Miley wink at Nick, she was rest assured that Miley was doing this on purporse. She was on Nick's side. Why?! Miley and Demi were girls! Shouldn't they stick together? Why was Miley torturing her? Demi frowned and bent her head down even more. Miley should actually consider herself lucky if she gets out this shop alive.

As Nick rose from his seat relief spread over Demi's whole body as she thought he was leaving, but it all just fell back onto her, as he sat beside her. Demi froze, why was he so close to her? Part of Demi wanted to move to the side, away from Nick, another part wanted to move closer to Nick...torn between the two sides, Demi decided to just stay where she was.She felt two cold fingers press against her chin. By now, Demi was about to explode like a volcano, tears were welling up in her eyes as she remembered the events of the night before. The cold fingers that pushed her against the wall, were the same cold fingers that were gently holding her chin, raising it slightly. 

Demi was completly oblivious to her dark it was underneath her layers of hair, until she had been forced to look up into the light. As her eyes squinted attempting to adjust to the sudden change in brightness, the tears that had been trying so hard to stay locked in Demi's eyes, fell and raced down her cheeks. New tears began to form in her eyes as Nick turned Demi's head towards him, and before she knew it, they were looking directly into eachothers eyes, and she was breaking down.

Nick Pushed Demi forward and into his body, cuddling her, kissing her hair, whispering how sorry he was in her ears...he never wanted to hurt Demi like this. He held her tighter, taking in all her pain and getting rid of it. He felt worse then he did last night x100 now that Demi was in his arms and crying her eyes out. After around 10 minutes, Nick felt Demi's breathing start to get steady again, and she started to sniffel. Nick kissed her head multiple times saying sorry again, not letting the oppurtunity slip. He caressed her hair until she calmed down completly.


This one was kinda bad, sorrryyy :c Anyway, vote comment and follow for more!:)


Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now