Hurt, Anger and Rage.

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Demi looked up, to meet Nick's gaze. He was staring into her eyes apologetically and Demi was more the aware of how much he wanted her to forgive him. Demi gave a sigh. She was in the wrong also; how could she make such a big deal out of this? She made Nick feel so guilty and made him so angry, he didn't deserve to feel like this. Demi wrapped her arms around Nick and buried her head into his shoulder, gaining a sigh of relief from him and a kiss on the cheek in return.

"I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of the situation. You can and should date whoever you want, when you want, and how you want. Who am I to say no and make a dramatic scene about it? You shouldn't feel restricted by me about girls you like and want to date even if I don't have the best history with them. I'm truly, really sorry Nick." Demi held onto Nick tighter as she spoke words she mostly didn't even mean. She didn't want Nick to date slutlena, and she was glad that Nick felt the need to get her approval. Demi felt nick nod in her shoulder. Satisfied, Demi pulled away and checked the time on her phone.

"I got to head out. I'm going to Hollywood records for a few hours to work on this album, and I'm already running late thanks to an emotional someone!" Demi tapped Nick's nose as she laughed and wiped away his tears.

"It's hay fever!" He defended himself with a rubbish excuse and laughed. Demi joined in and playfully slapped his bicep. 'wow…they've gotten both bigger, and stronger- oh and hotter too!' She thought as she sipped her late, before getting up and grabbing her bag.

"I'm going too! Do you want me to walk with you? Or grab a taxi with you or something?" He suggested hoping she'd say yes. Demi hid the sadness in her face and voice; she actually wanted to be alone and think by herself for a while, but she didn't want to hurt Nick so she answered with an 'of course' and walked out with him.

As she was walking with Nick, she suddenly stopped."Wait! Hold on I forgot something!" Demi ran back into the store and raced to Miley- who was still waiting to order her drink.

"Thank you. Whatever you did...just thank you. Will you pick me up from the studio today and we can have dinner? not only do I want to make it up to you but I also need to talk to you about something really important." Demi stated, Miley giggled.

"I'd love to have dindin's with you Demz but I'm a busy person too! I'm meeting with some friends later on, I'm sorry!" Miley apologized. Demi pouted, she wasn't going to settle for no.

"Please?" Demi begged, Miley sighed-she knew Demi wouldn't let it go until she got a yes. "Okay, fine. I'll change my plans just for you; but you're paying for dinner!" Miley challenged with her eyebrows raised.

"Okay, thanks Miley." Demi gave Miley the address and time to pick her up before running back to Nick and heading to HWR, together.

Several hours later, Demi's manager spoke. "Okay Demi, I think we've worked enough tonight. I'm tired and I want to go home, let's call it a day?" Demi giggled and nodded, hanging her headphones back up. "Okay, boss!" This made him chuckle. He held onto Demi's shoulder and smiled.

"This album, is going to be a HIT. Good job Demi." He reassured her. He grabbed his stuff and left. Demi sighed as she chugged some water. What a day! Checking her messages, her phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Demi answered it while gathering her things.

"Get your butt outside I've been waiting for like 10 minutes! You can't make me cancel my plans and then be late can ya? Hurry! I'm very impatient you know!" Miley exclaimed. Demi smiled, she had actually forgotten all about dinner. Music did that to her, she'd forget everything for a while. It was nice, and refreshing, and just relaxing.

"Alright, I'll be straight out, just give me 2 secs" Demi hung up the phone call, then locked up the studio before leaving. Miley smiled and hugged her.

"That was quick. Where are we having dinner? Somewhere fancy maybe?" Miley suggested throwing her handbag around. Demi smiled at her.

"Nope, let's go for sushi. I like sushi. You like sushi. We all like sushi." Demi laughed, grabbing Miley's hand and pushing her into her own car. Miley started it up and drove to her favorite sushi restaurant. Demi and Miley sat in front of each other, talking about random things, like the weather, until Miley sighed.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about? The thing that was so important that I ditched my friends for?" Miley asked, Demi began to get serious and she looked at Miley dead in the eyes.

"I was told by someone this, but I didn't believe it and I wanted to hear it from you. You have to tell me the truth. You know I can tell when you're lying so there's no use lying to me. I'm being dead serious." Demi began. Miley nodded her head, she was getting serious too. Demi put down her chopsticks and chewed on the remains of fish in her mouth before drinking a little water before speaking. She didn't want a raspy voice from the nerves that were building up inside of her. If you she had a raspy voice then Miley would know how anxious she was and then she would use that as an advantage. Demi wasn't going to let that happen.

"Did you, or did you not sleep with Cody during my relationship with him?" Demi asked. She was watching Miley's face and almost died when she saw Miley's face freeze. So it's true. Demi thought.


Where had she gotten that information? The only two people she had told were Nick and Selen- oh crap. Selena must've told Demi since there's an ongoing rivalry between the two…Miley mentally smacked herself. She couldn't lie because Demi would only see through it and she couldn't tell the truth because then Demi would hate her. Damn. Why do I always get stuck in these situations? Miley thought. She turned to Demi's awaiting face, what is she supposed to say? How does she answer a question like that? Especially, when it's true?

"Well?" Demi pressured Miley into answering the question. Miley sighed; she would have to tell the truth. Telling a lie would not only make her a terrible person, but it would also be easy for Demi to see through it, and it would hurt her a lot more than if Miley just came out straight about it. Miley sipped some water and looked at Demi.

"It was a long time ago and It meant nothing to the both of us I promi-" Miley was cut off by Demi, gathering her stuff and getting up; she put $30 on the table and stood upright.

"That says enough. How dare you? How dare you keep that from me? Fuck you Miley. Fuck. You." Demi left in hurt, anger and rage.


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A/N: Sorry I haven't actually updated this story in so long. It's because, I am actually on vacation and the place I am at has really bad wifi, also, I am trying to enjoy myself as much as possible haha. It's meant to be a daily updated story I feel really bad:L Whenever I find wifi I'll publish a story because I have them pre-typed up. So sorry for the extremaly long wait omg okay that's all:') I'll go back to publishing daily when I get back to London on the 28th:') I'll post another hopefully tomorrow, If I dont then I found no wifi:( I'll post it ASAP. Love you guys, omg 100+ reads?! That may not be a lot to you guys but its a lot to me:'D See you soon!



Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now