Oh my god

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As soon as the door slammed, Demi collapsed into the bed and cried her eyes out. She was afraid something like this would happen. How could she think for a split second Nick would be happy about this? She was so stupid, she had tried to comfort herself, make herself believe that the situation wasn't as bad as it really was...she was pregnant! The thought was very uncomfortable to think about. Demi pressed her stomach and started talking to herself, if anyone would've seen her they would've thought she was a mad woman. "I'm so, so, so sorry! You deserve a better mother. I don't know what to do!" Demi suddenly had a lightbulb go off in her head. She placed her phone in her pocket and wiped away her tears. She got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, breathing heavily. Closing the door behind her, she placed her back onto the door and took a deep breath. Demi kissed her hand and placed it onto her stomach, apolagising again. Finally, she stepped forward to the cabinet, and pulled the windows apart; she picked up the box of pills she had saved only a few months ago. She twisted the cap open and poured some into the palm of her hand. Demi shut her eyes and took a deep breath, opened her mouth slightly, tilted her head back, raised her hand...

'ring ring, ring ring!'

The sound of her telephone ringing in her pocket, in all of the silence, caught Demi off guard. She dropt the pills all over the ground. Demi's eyes widened- they were her lasts! They were her only pain-free exit from the world! She cursed under her breath and attempted to pick them up, but it was too late. Demi bit down on her lip, trying not to cry, as she answered the phone.

"Hello?" Her voice wobbled but that didn't seem to matter. There wasn't any sound for a while, just a lot of rusling and running. Demi pulled the phone apart from her ear to see who it was- it was Nick. Had he pocked dialed her? Demi cleared her throat, and was suprised to hear a female on the other end. Demi's heart almost shattered, but it didnt- he voice on the other end of the phone sounded more urgent, more...important. It wasn't what she thought it was. "Demi?! Demi!" It was Selena. Why was Selena with him? "Yes?" Demi answered, simply. There was so much running through her mouth but words just didn't seem to come out. "Demi, you have to come to the hospital! It's Nick! It's urgent get down here quick!" Demi felt her heart drop out of her chest- Nick was in hospital? She quickly pulled on the boots that were next to her, and left the pills on the floor. They were the least of her worries at the moment. She quickly grabbed her car keys and ran downstairs, out the door and into her car.

As Demi speeded down the road, she almost got into a car crash 3 times. Her head was all over the place and she couldn't think straight; it was as if the entire world was up against her. Demi tried to focus on the road, but it was hard. She quickly pulled her car into the parking position and literally jumped out. As she was running to the entrance, she turned around and locked her car from the key- it locked. She ran faster then she was before, bumping into multiple people. "Hey! Watch it lady!" she had heard the phrase almost 10 times. Demi flung her body onto the reception and asked for Nick's name. The receptionest looked through the files and told Demi where to go; Demi thanked her, nodded, caught her breath, and then started running again. It was like she was at a race against time. This hospital was huge! She ran to the elevator, but it was on the top floor. "Fuck!" Demi cursed, she was on the ground, there was no time to wait, no time to waste. Demi ran up on the stairs- this couldn't be good for the baby, but she really didn't care. Finally, Demi reached the fourth floor and she ran all the way to Nick's dorm. She stopped to catch her breath, before she opened the door quietly.


Selena was sitting with Nick in the dorm, holding his hand. He was unconscience. He didn't know what was going on, maybe this was her chance? She had heard, that even when a soul was unconscience, he/she could hear and sence everything. If Demi was going to arrive, it wouldn't be anytime soon. Selena took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now