What the hell?!

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Demi sipped at the soda Cody had gotten her, cheerfully. The last 30minutes had been pure bliss. Cody was easy to talk to and the dreaded awkwardness she had feared would be around didn't even exist. Cody laughed at her jokes, spoke honestly and listened to her. She couldn't have asked for a better meeting with the ex she loved so much. Suddenly, Cody's phone began to vibrate furiously in his pocket, his smile faded as he looked down at the caller ID. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and let it ring on, he didn't even answer.

"Who was that?" Demi asked, wonderingly. Cody rolled his eyes and sighed; Demi was too curious for her own good, and it would leave her down in the dumps. Cody thought of a way to tell her who had called...he could lie, he could tell the truth nicely, or he could just come out simply and honestly.

"Girlfriend." He answered simply, choosing the last option. He squinted his eyes shut, waiting for her reaction. Demi chocked on her drink and looked up with sparkling eyes and an open mouth. Cody looked away from her in agony. He knew she'd react something like this when she found out. She was always a bit of a drama queen...but it wasn't her fault, it seemed like her whole life was planned out by god like a movie, every scene was Hollywood-type. He folded his arms together and took a deep breath in, as the painful silence pierced his heart. Only a few seconds ago were they talking and laughing like they were best friends, and now...this?

"G-g-g-girlfriend?" Demi stuttered, Cody held his arms tight. He wouldn't let her break him; he wouldn't give everything up for her...again. Last time that happened he hurt not only himself, but her too. Cody nodded simply and he had no idea he was breaking Demi apart. What was she to him? How had he moved on so quickly? It had only been-

"Dems, it's been 2 years." Cody interrupted her thoughts. She probably looked so pathetic right now. Gawking over her ex and stuttering. Demi felt herself needing to ask one question.

"Cody...did you- did you, ever love me?" She asked, afraid of what he might respond. Cody chuckled and Demi felt like stabbing herself right there and then. So she really meant nothing to him? Nothing at all?

"Of course I loved you Demi! God, I was ready to propose to you! Make a family with you, grow old with you...be happy with you!" Cody slammed his fist onto the table in anger. Why was she asking such an idiotic question? She knew he had loved her. He had loved her so much that it still hurt to talk about. He had loved her so much that it wasn't even cool to joke about it. He had loved her so...so damn much. Demi felt her heart flutter. She knew she still had some leftover feelings for Cody but she didn't know they were this...this powerful.

"Then why did you leave?" Demi asked, her voice shaking. Cody's face became stern, she was making him angry. Out of all the topics in the world, this was the most sensitive for him. He stood up not wanting to answer the question, and turned to leave. A soft hand held onto the back of his elbow and pulled him back, making him face her. "Why?" She repeated.

"Because I hurt you. I hurt you and I couldn't stand the thought of making you cry, of making you sad. I had to get away, and that's what I did." He replied honestly, without delay. Demi's breath hitched and she couldn't help herself. She had been talking to him, looking at him, holding herself back...but she couldn't do it anymore. 2 years waiting for him to come back, she finally saw him. Even if he didn't come back for her, he left for her. He left because he felt guilty, and that was more than enough for Demi. He loved her...he loved her so much that he wanted to be together forever with her. Raise a family, in a beautiful home, live long and happy, grow old together, and die together. He loved her so much he was willing to give up his life to be with her...and if that wasn't enough, then what was? Demi wrapped her arms around his neck and in one swift movement; she pulled him forwards, connecting their lips together.

Heartbreak: A Nick jonas&Demi storyWhere stories live. Discover now