16.the one

320 23 10

Martina's pov
I woke up as i already felt i wasn't home anymore. No i was in the clinic and it would Maybe take years to come out of this.

With that tought there Came a tear in my eyes and a second later my Phone called.


WoW he'e calling at 7 a.m. He's crazy but so sweet

I took my Phone as i heard his voice.

"Gooooood morning martinaaa" he Said while i Burned out in a laugh.

"So and what maked you so happy? Do you have already a new girlfriend" i joked as i could hear he didn't took it Well.

"Martina that was not funny" he Said while i laughed even harder.

"I'm sorry but i'm in a clinic and you're so happy" i Said

"I'm not happy you are there i'm happy you are getting better" he Said i closed my eyes and saw his smile with that damn cute dimples i wish he was here now.

"So are you going to your new school today" he Said

"Yeah i have to i don't want i just want to go to school with al of you guys" i Said whit an sad voice

"Owh Martina don't be sad it Will be alright you Will make new friends fast" he Said with that lovely voice.

I wanted to say something back but then Someone knocked on the door.

"I have to hang jorge, we Will talk after school okay?" I Said smiling a bit

"Okay princes have Fun but don't forget i'm still your boy so don't flirt with other boys" he Said while i laughed a bit.

"Ofcourse not you are the one for me" i Said Before i hang up.

"Come in" i Said Before it knocked on the door again.

"Martina i have your breakfast and i have Some for me too so we can eat together" Clara Said. She Will be my nurse as long as i Will be here.

"I know you just want to check if i'm gonna eat but it's ok" i Said Before she nodded and Played the Plates at the table.

I sat down and stared to the food. It was Brown Bread with an ehh and cheese. Omg no... I don't want this.

"Uhm Clara?" I Said while i looked to her.

"Yeah?" She Said while her mounth was full of food.

"I'm not gonna eat this do you have something different" i Said while i looked up

"Why do you want something different this look likes delicious right?" She Said with wide eyes.

"Yeah ofc but it Will make me fat and i don't want that" i Said while her smile disappeared

"Okay we Will go to the supermarket after you went to school for now you have to eat one slice" she Said while i signed 

"Alright then.... One slice.." i Said while i took one slice and vut of the cheese and the egg and Get the most of the butter away with my cut Clara  looked a bit mad to me

"What? I did what you Said i ate one slice and now i had enough" i Said Before i stood up and went to my little closet.

"And now i'm going to change clothes" i Said Before i went to the little bathroom and closed the door.
"So Every one this is Martina our new pupil be kind to her and let her See the school, okay?" The teacher Said while Everyone looked to me.

"Okay Martina you can sit there beside valeria" he Said while he pointed to a girl.

"Hey i'm valeria Nice to meet you" she Said when i sat beside her

"Nice to meet you valeria" i said with a smile.

"Okay girls Lets start with the lesson, Yes?" The teacher Said while he looked to us.
"So this are Emma and cato" valeria Said as the girls smiled to me.

It was break now and valeria asked if i would have a break with them.

"Sit down" Cato Said with a lovely voice

I sat down and stared tp my plate. Shall they have the same problem as me?

"So why are you here Martina" valeria Said

I pointed to my food as she nodded.

"Anorexia or boulimia?" She Said seriously

"Anorexia" i Said while i looked to the ground.

"Owh Martina you Will be alright That's why you're to make you better" Emma Said while she hold my hand.

This girls are so kind.

"Yeah i know" i Said while i nodded my head.

"So what are your problems " i Said while valeria began tp talk.

"I have boulimia but i'm almost health again i'm already here for two years" valeria Said

"I have Some drank and smoke problems, i'm here for three months now." Cato Said when the girls nodded.

"and you Emma?" i Said while i looked to her

"Uhmm let we say i'm not always that kind as now" she Said while she laughed a bit and we began to laugh too.
"Heyyyyy martuuuu" lodo Said while we were skyping.

I was just back from the supermarket and lodo and all the other girls Said they wanted to Skype so here we are now.

"So tinita how was your first school day" cande Said smiling.

"It was good but i missed you Guys" i Said while they all did awhhhh in the same moment.

"So how long must you stay there?" Mechi asked

"Uhm i don't know Maybe weeks Maybe months or Maybe years."

"Owh That's so bad but we Will come to you Often okay" alba Said

"Yeah thank you girls you all helps me a lot" i Said smiling.

"No problem!" They all Said Before i hang up.

Clara Came in with two Plates... Again...

"So here is a healthy salad for our diner" she Said while she Said down

Okay if i would take a few bites it wouldn't mind..

I took my spoon and ate Some food

"You are in the good way Martina" Clara Said while she smiled

"Thank you" i Said smiling

So Hey luvs here is my second 1K chapter and i hope you liked it there happened nothing really special know this chapter but it's still important for the story :) Thank you all for 500 reads you don't know how happy you all made me:)))))
i love you all. See ya in the next chapter🤗❤️

~Juul ❤️

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