29.new year kiss

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Jorge's pov.

It was 5 days later.
Fucking 5 days..
And Martina is still not awake.

I wish i could do something to wake her up..

Every day i'm in the hospital with Martina, i sleep here too.

Someone knocked on the door as i looked up.

"Come in" i Said while i saw lodo and cande.

"Hey jorge" they Said.

"Hey girls" i Said looking to Martina.

"How is she?" They asked as i looked to them.

"Still the same, she still don't know what happened. But she is not attacked or something" i Said while i hold her hand and smiled a bit.

"What do you think it is?" Lodo Said curious

"I don't know Maybe she ate not enough or something" i Said while there escaped a tear out my eyes.

Lodo and cande Walked to me and Hugged me.

"Don't you worry jorge, Martina is a really strong girl and she Will survive it." Lodo Said.

"I hope" i Said signing.

"I'm sure about it jorge" cande Said smiling while i nodded.

"Thank you girls" i Said smiling they smiled back as the Hugged Martina tight.

"We go, let us know when Martina wake up" they Said while i nodded.

"Sure" i Said Before they went and i and Martina where alone again.

"So Martina now we are alone again.. Let me play something for you" i Said while i hold her hand.

I took my gitar and began playing my new song "light your heart" nobody heard it Before so Martina was the first one who hear it.

Martina's pov.
Someone was playing a song. I wanted to look but my eyes didn't go open. I wanted to move but i couldn't move anything in my whole body. I listened to the song. I never heard it Before but it was so beautiful. After the song Someone talked to me, i recognized the voice but i couldn't remember from who it was. From something really important..

"So Martina i hope you liked the song i wrote it for you. I wanted to let you know that i'm not angry anymore. You Will never cheat on me right? Please wake up martu i need you" i had to concentrate on the words but i could hear them all.

Now i know it was jorge. My jorge. I wish i could answer and Hug him but i couldn't speak or love anything i was too weak.

I wish i could wake up for him.

Jorge took my hands as i got the power to move my hand a bit. As i feel jorge smiling. I know he felt it, and i hope i can hold him again soon..
It's two days later and everyday jorge is here. I feel him he don't let me alone even not a second. I wish i could answer and open my eyes. But i can't the only thing what i can do is listening to him.

"So martu, what do you want to do today?" I heard him saying.

"Okay i Will sing the song for you again" he Said while i heard him singing. I wish i could Sing i tried to sing with him but as i tried to scream. There Came no noises out of my mouth.

Jorge's pov.

I sang the song again for her. I know it is crazy but it feel like she can hear me and Maybe it Will help her to wake up..

I looked up to her face. There was the weak smile who is there since the began i saw her here. I wish i could do something to wake her up.

Today it's new year eve and we wanted to celebrate it with Everybody but now Martina is here we decided to stay with her here for new years eve.

I kissed her head while i smiled.

"I love you Martina" i wispered in her ear.
"So ten minutes left till 2017 Martina" cande Said smiling while i smiled to her

I'm not the only crazy person who is talking to Martina...

"We really hope you wake up Soon tinita" mechi Said while she hold Martina's arm.

"Yeah we all miss you" lodo Said who layed her head on cande's shoulder.

"So Maybe we can all sing a song? For Martina" alba Said smiling while we all nodded.

We began to sing 'ser mejor' it was a song we all made a few months ago.

We finished the song as we all smiled.

"Soon Martina Will sing with us" rugge Said smiling.

"Hey she is mine" i Said laughing while he nodded.

"Don't be so jalous jorge" they all Said

"Guys one minute!" Facu Said.

"10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" We all Said as we Hugged each other.

I looked to Martina as she still lay there with her eyes closed and a weak smile. Facu saw me looking to her as he nodded.

"We Will Give you Some space" facu Said as i smiled.

They all nodded and went as Martina and i were alone.

"Happy new year Martina" i Said Before smiling.

I Hugged her tight as i looked to her face

i leaned in to Give her a Kiss. Slowly my lips touched hers and when i backed off her smile became bigger and slowly
opened she her eyes as i smiled.

"Happy new year Martina" I said while I hugged her.

"Happy new year Jorge" she whispered.

"Wait I'm gonna call the doctor" I said while I wanted to push the button but Martina took my hand.

"Jorge?" She said while she looked to me.

"I'm so sorry for that thing what happened with Pepe" she said almost crying.

I hold my hands on her face and smiled to her.

"I forgive you" I said as I came closer and kissed her, she kissed me back and smiled.

"I love you Jorge"

"I love you too Martina"

Hey Luviess ,
So yesterday it was my birthday and it was really amazing❤️
I celebrated my birthday with my dad stepmom and stepsisters and it was really amazing🤗 we went to an musical and it was so much fun! And I got for my birthday a trip to London and I'm really happy with it! So I will go to London by Airplane on the 25th of February ❤️
Hope you all liked this chapter❤️
Love you all❤️

~Juul ❤️

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